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This following essay is going to have a look at the changes in the business and management environment, these will include over the past ten year and also what the student expectation of the next ten year will be also.
Over the past ten years there has been a significant change within the various sectors and industries. For examples there are a lot of businesses who have the same common goals in business that they use the same production/raw materials and they also may produce products of similar identities. Most businesses use the same production methods in order to produce. To start with, they all use an advanced technological way of completing tasks and finishing productions.
The three sectors, which are mainly involved, are, Primary which is including all agriculture business, fishing and mining. These are an economic necessity as they are responsible for producing many raw materials bound for factories and manufacturers. The agriculture business is very important to us in the UK as it provides a lot of our food supplies that also aids the economy. The likes of cheese and milk are an important factor for our day to day lives. The secondary sector is also important for the manufacturing of good’s which brings to raw materials into a newly designed product. This is an important sector for the British economy as it is important that the industry makes enough money to affect Britain’s balance of economics. The Tertiary sector is one of the biggest sectors in the UK mainly providing a service it is the most important facilities. Providing such items like education, health, entertainment, sport, banking, retailing and administration it is one of the most profit-making industries in the country and can be expected to grow even more over the next ten years.
Over the past ten years there has been a growing amount of labour foiled into the world. For example places like Hollywood provides masses amount of entertainment and is also broadcast to the world gives Hollywood an international market. London has its big banking service where people who have been employed in financial services may decide to come to the UK for employment, as there are more opportunities here for them. The factor endowment theory has also been brought into place, oil is nor found everywhere in the world and it is important that we take great care with this product as it can run very scarce.
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The quality of labour has also increased over the past ten years with un-employment falling and more and more people, being able to find work someone must be providing good qualities of labour. Countries that have large supplies of low cost labour will be able to specialise in labour intensive work. Such as unskilled activities, people in the Far East are normally employed by big sports brands in producing products to a very minimum standard but at very little cost to the company. Also in the Far East it is very popular to build electronic goods and also Bangladesh is also used in ship dismantling. On the other hand countries that have a lower supply of labour were expected to provide labour in the skill intensive range. These jobs would include research and development, aircraft and avionics, medicine and pharmaceutical products.
The de-industrialisation period that Britain went through was horrific with people forced out of their jobs. The loss of the steel industry crippled Britain with employees facing the daunting prospect of having to find jobs that they haven’t been trained for have a very little understanding of. Manufacturing is becoming less important as many tertiary businesses are now able to manufacture products such as food retailing where large supermarkets. As they get everything in raw and then use creative thinking to produce new products instead of having their manufacturer doing this for them thus costing more money to the business.
Over the next ten years it will be important and necessary to telecommunications groups to form as one so that no company can abuse its monopoly which can take more power than other’s. Many companies will perhaps close shops and deliver straight from the factories. This will be mainly due to Internet access increasing because over peoples ability to be able to afford calling over the internet and also the trusting of buying over the internet. This would perhaps be very cost effective as many large chains could close down costing the companies less money than is necessary to spend. The Internet is still growing with more and more people joining everyday with people being able to buy everything in the shops over the Internet.
The change in the ways which people are managed will also change, as a new command structure will more likely come in place. Perhaps getting rid of middle managers would be ideal for business as it would cut out a lot of staff communication in which business talk is twisted by time it reaches the bottom of the business structure. Data networks should also be brought into place in many large corporations as it would be very effective in transmitting data throughout the business providing information about the business through a computerised data network. It can be updated by managers on a constant basis so that staff can as updated about corporate data as the top managers are. Many management structures have changed because of the varied change in technology.
Political changes in the Euro can have an impact of governing in the UK as were are heading in the American ways with various techniques of governing being brought from the USA. As the USA is a constantly growing country it is easy to see why so many other countries world-wide try to follow their friends foods-steps in governing and public acceptance. The only problem that Britain will face if we dis-connect from the EU would be that we would be alienated from our European colleagues. But this split may lead other countries into thinking that there is more potential if everyone follows in the American ways as they have developed so much in all aspects of industries.
The migration of jobs from the UK may lead people to going to work in a job that they feel stable in. Farmers may decide to move out of the UK and set-up a business enterprise in the agriculture industry or may go in to a farming partnership. As the language sector is going to develop even more it is important that we define our type of language. To do business in the EU all people must be able to speak English, which at the moment is still very basic. For an advanced economy to have such an impact it will be important for us all to be able to communicate effectively in English. If EU enlargement continues it will be very bad new for the UK and Germany because of the treasury at Brussels dishing out subsidiaries to the poorer countries as later on in time things will get worse for the UK and Germany.
The West Countries are taking a more active part in the Middle East as we are hoping to build a military presence so that we can secure oil reserves. But with constant supervision of Iraq this is not always possible. The oil reserves in Kuwait now belong to the UK and is under constant guard in case of a launched attack by Iraq. Because of the complex society in Russia it is more likely that they are not even interested in economic development as the last few years have been built upon terrorism and now more than ever they are more concerned about warfare and the development of nuclear weapons. As 10 was the collapse of Germany and the collapse of the Soviet Empire. Continuation of the free market in the EU even with these collapses pulled through and will continue to grow even more until the next economic disaster.
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