Tuesday, 24 April 2012


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NEW DELHI�Indias cola wars have turned poisonous.

A pesticide scare has taken the fizz out of the soft drink boom, dousing Indias fast-growing market like a summer monsoon.

The furor has spilled out of the science labs and on to the streets.

Hindu nationalists smashed pop bottles and burned cola ads on the streets of Mumbai, Communist officials in Calcutta have condemned the foreign bottlers and Maoist rebels in the far east warned the capitalist cola companies theyd better wind up operations.

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Keen to appear on the cutting edge, federal politicians in the capital have replaced cola with buttermilk in the parliamentary restaurant.

With sales plunging 40 per cent last month, Coke and Pepsi have seen the enemy � and its not the competition.

The traditional rivals have joined forces to declare war on their newest nemesis, a local environmental group that dared accuse them of selling pesticide-laced soda pop.

The Centre for Science and Environment, a non-governmental organization, finds itself on the defensive after blowing the whistle on the companies for selling a deadly cocktail of pesticide residues.

The CSE released test results last month showing cola samples contained the insecticides Lindane, Malathion, DDT and other carcinogens in concentrations far above the standards set by the European Union.

But Coke insists these results arent the real thing.

Backed by the U.S. embassy, the multinational giant has threatened legal action, lobbied politicians, wooed the media and ratcheted up its marketing campaign to savage the pesky CSE and salvage Coca-Colas reputation.

For its part, Pepsi launched a massive advertising campaign claiming it had been given a clean chit by regulators.

Refresh your faith. Now, refresh your thirst, proclaimed the Pepsi ads.

The safest thing you are likely to drink today is a Pepsi.

But Pepsi was forced to publish a retraction after being accused of unethical and misleading advertising by the government, which found that nine of the 1 samples it tested exceeded European norms.

The environmental whistleblower also has fought back, protesting that Pepsi and Coca-Cola are trying every trick in the corporate book to discredit concerns raised by the CSE.

Its war out there.

Never mind the menace from terrorist bombs or the spectre of nuclear war with Pakistan over Kashmir. Indians are preoccupied by a more insidious threat lurking within a 00-millilitre bottle of sugared, fizzy water that sells for 5 rupees (15 cents) at neighbourhood food stalls.

Consumers, who spend $ billion buying more than 6.5 billion bottles a year, are keen to avoid any fallout from poisoned pop and are returning to trusted, traditional Indian thirst-quenchers that fell out of fashion in the decade since Coke and Pepsi took the country by storm and gobbled up local bottlers.

I used to drink Coke every day, but Ive stopped until its safety is fully proven, says Siddharth Sehgal, a 7-year-old software engineer, sipping bottled water at a trendy restaurant in the capitals colonial district.

I used to drink a litre a day, but I stopped several weeks ago.

India is once again the land of the lassi, a yogurt drink mixed with sugar or salt. Fresh lime sodas are back on the menu. Steaming masala tea, flavoured with cardamom and cinnamon, is regaining popularity over ice-cold colas.

Customers have reduced consumption of Coke by about 40 per cent due to that rumour, says Joseph Thomas, food and beverage manager at the popular Fridays restaurant, who has sworn off the stuff himself.

Whenever I point it out on the menu, they never go for aerated (carbonated) drinks. They just go for fresh lime or mineral water instead of Coke. People are confused.


`If the reports are positive for pesticides, we will break every bottle the companies make

Aslam Sheikh, Samajwadi youth wing


Sadly, these alternative drinks offer little protection against pesticides.

Scientists say the problem isnt with pop per se, but the Indian groundwater that goes into it. After all, samples of Coke and Pepsi bottled in the United States were found to be pesticide-free.

Whatever the purification problems at local bottling plants, the bottom line is that pesticides are poisoning Indias drinking water. Overuse of insecticides and under-regulation of drinking water � it escapes scrutiny because its not classified as a food � has created a glaring loophole.

In fact, 60 per cent of Indias population lacks access to safe drinking water and tens of thousands of people are thought to die from water-borne diseases.

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