Sunday, 15 April 2012

my thesis

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September 4, 00

Dear Thesis Students,

Welcome to Fall 00 Thesis Development. I am William Franklin. I am looking forward to meeting you and guiding you through the process of developing your thesis proposal.

We have found that many students view a graduate thesis as a mysterious and awesome project, which can lead to a certain amount of anxiety. To take away the mystery (and hopefully minimize anxiety), we ask you to read a couple of Pacific Oaks’ theses before class actually begins on September 1. I know that the time is short and I apologize in advance for the letter getting to you so late. If you are unable to view a thesis before class begins, don’t worry!! If you have time, choose theses that are related to whatever topic area you yourself want to research. The theses can be ordered from the Pacific Oaks Library by calling 1-800-684-0500 or 66-7-15 or e-mailing

Write my paper for me!!!

I am going to ask you to do some pre-class homework. The homework will start the thesis process. By the end of the semester, you will see how your ideas and more importantly your thesis unfolds. For the first class, please bring one or two research questions (along with an explanation/example) on a topic you might like to do for your thesis, and ) a short personal statement (1- pages) where you talk about your own experiences and how they connect to your interest in the topic.

Personal Statement Example Who are you? And how is who you are related to your thesis idea? What kind of social and political context did you grow up in? What social and political context demographic groups are you a member of now? How is that related to your thesis idea? How is your development related to your thesis idea? If you are from a very different family/social and political context background than the people/situations you are going to study, address that too. Why should you study them? What kind of similar investigations have you done among your own social and political context group? What it is in you personal life experiences that have brought you to this topic. You may include how your own family of origin or childhood relates to the topic as well as your developmental processes and present day life. Also address what you have observed personally about your idea as well as other personal and professional issues may be relevant to your study.

I really look forward to meeting you and getting the opportunity to help you with your thesis!! This represents an exciting time in your personal and academic lives.


Mind that the sample papers like my thesis presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!

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