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In 1 a new warfare development was made from the Germans to enhance their advantages on the battlefield. The introduction of the Blitzkrieg was used against the Invasion of Poland. Blitzkrieg means lightening war and it certainly was.
The Blitzkrieg was an unprecedented type of warfare that an enemy was forced to defend along a broad front. It had a line with concentrated armored thrusts called Panzers. The Blitzkrieg would disrupt the enemy reaction with tactical air attacks. They sabotaged the enemy landscape with “5th Columnists.” To follow all of these elements came paratroopers.
This new shocking warfare technique allowed the Germans to overtake Poland completely in six weeks. It was a swift, sudden, and overwhelming victory that surprised the world. No one had ever seen anything like it before.
First the German planes bombed the airfields, factories, towns, and cities, and screaming dive-bombers fired on troops and civilians. Then fast-moving tanks and troop transports roared into the country. The Polish army tried their hardest to fight back, but could not stop the oncoming slaughter.
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Not only was Blitzkrieg successful in the Poland attack, but also in Norway and Denmark. They both fell to the very successful tactic warfare. Not long after Norway and Denmark, Hitler used blitzkrieg in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg, which included an even more revised type of the warfare. They added the use of paratroops and repertoire.
From here he overcame the “impregnable” Maginot line and lunged deep into France. On June 14, the Nazi’s marched into Paris. Thousands of men and woman stand the streets weeping as they see the “lightening war” effect take place. By the end of June, France surrendered to the Nazis.
I believe that the success of the Blitzkrieg was due to the brilliance of the astounding technological advancements in weaponry. From WWI to WWII, Germany had the time during the Interbellum period to perfect the new technique and use the previous equipment taken over by the British. They had battle-tested pilots and momentum and psychological movement, which allowed them to enhance their will to battle.
Although their air force was tactical, it was not strategic and they lost every pilot who was shot down. They always had a limited time to win the battle because that is what the main purpose of the Blitzkrieg was. It was a quick, surprisingly strong, attack on an enemy.
Not long after, Britain began to use the blitzkrieg technique and it is still used today as a way of combat. It had successful results and amazing outcomes in a very short time.
Soon the Luftwaffe (air force) was taken against the British RAF fighter pilots and the British won the Battle of Britain. The battle took a sudden turn when Hitler was angry about the attack on German homeland, and ordered air attacks against London. This attack was known as the “Blitz.”
On June nd, Nazi Germany used the biggest blitzkrieg ever known against the Soviet Russia. It was launched on a two thousand mile front and after a month of combat, the Wehrmacht captured 50 and 500 miles along the front of territory along with 665,000 prisoners. In July, they reorganized for a second push.
I think during the interbellum period, there was a chance for the Germans to get ready for any more wars ahead of them. They took the technology they had and enhanced it to guarantee success when they are in battle. It surely did prove success.
Hienz Gudarian was one of the very first to think up the Blitzkrieg. He thought that he showed put as much firepower in one tank as possible. He integrated dive-bombing as well. He insisted that the infantry be motorized too. He then targeted the fixings of the battlefield for the attacks. Some of these were pillboxes and bunkers. These two would be knocked out completely by the first artillery and the dive-bombers. Then motorized troops and tanks would follow behind.
Although the Germans had their advantages, so did the British. The British would concentrate on the air war over their home and had great fighter planes. Such planes were; Hurricane and Spitfire. They had invented radar to help detect any enemy air travel. They also had excellent V weapons that could help in improving their own blitzkrieg.
Not long after Hitler overtook the Sudentland was it that the actual blitzkrieg was first used on Poland. It was no shock that the new type of warfare made a new kind of standard for other countries. The helpless victims of the fast “lightening” type of attack allowed countries to look upon it and learn from it. They too, tried to improve their own type of warfare to compete with the eminous Germans.
It is easy to see that this new type of fighting proposed many doubts among the allied countries to be able to overcome the Germans. Their new and intimidating way of warfare created a quick reaction to new technology and tanks that could stand up to the mighty blitzkrieg Germany had invented.
Although the blitzkrieg seemed to be unbeatable, the U.S. did end up overtaking the powerful country in the Battle of the Bulge. It was Hitler’s “last gasp” and they were defeated by the American’s largest land battle ever fought. Finally, it was realized that Germany was through and that there was a final end with the war on Germany.
The blitzkrieg was an amazing invention of warfare and the I believe that the technology that the Germans had time to create during the interbellum period created such a powerful way of fighting for Germany. They created a new standard that would make the world turn and look with a gasp and allow other countries to improve their own technology to make-up for what they didn’t have, and the Germans did. In a way, it was a good benefactor to the world that the Germans invented the blitzkrieg; because it might have been years later that any other country would have invented it. They speeded up technology and improve warfare greatly.
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