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Wednesday, 28 March 2012
nursing case study
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like nursing case study even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like nursing case study in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
I. Health History
The subject of my case study is W. K. W.K. is a 5 year old white male who was admitted to Moses Cone Hospital on November , 00. Prior to being admitted to the hospital, W. K. had been in excellent health. His troubles apparently began three weeks prior to being admitted. On November , W. K.’s son found him lying on the floor confused, and soaked in urine.
Mr. K. was diagnosed as having an acute cerebral vascular accident. This disorder can also be described as a “stroke”. It occurs when there is an interruption of normal blood flow in one or more of the blood vessels that supply the brain. Thrombosis, embolism, and hemorrhage are the primary causes of a CVA. (Sommers and Johnson 00) The tissues of the brain become ischemic, leading to hypoxia or anoxia with destruction or necrosis of the neurons, glia, and vasculature. Complications of CVA include unstable blood pressure, sensory and motor impairment, infection, pneumonia, contractures, and pulmonary emboli. CVA is the third leading cause of death in the United States and affects more than 500,000 Americans annually. (Sommers and Johnson 00)
He was widowed in October of 001, one daughter has coronary artery disease, one son died of an MI at age 7, and one son died with lung cancer at 57. He had been the primary care giver of his daughter until she was admitted to the hospital three weeks ago. She is dying with a short bowel syndrome and cirrhosis and is now being taken care of in hospice. Soon after being left alone, Mr. K.’s appetite decreased and he had become congested. He was placed on Paxil to treat symptoms of depression. He had also been taking Cipro for congestion. Also his family noticed that he was suffering from confusion. As a result, they brought him into the Emergency Room for evaluation. The Emergency Room doctors performed a CT scan of the brain which revealed evidence of old strokes. The doctors stopped the Cipro and placed him on Z-pack. This seemed to improve his state of confusion, as well as reduce his symptoms of congestion.
Write my paper for me!!!
On the nd, he was seen for the congestion. The doctor examined him thoroughly. This exam included giving him a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray proved to be normal. His white blood count was elevated and he was found to be mildly dehydrated. He was prescribed Amoxicillin 500 three times a day, and Guaifenesin. His past medical history is short including depression, stroke, and presbyacusis. He has not had any prior surgery and there are no known allergies.
II. Diagnostic Measures
On November 5, 00 W. K. under went several diagnostic studies in order to confirm that he indeed had suffered a stroke on November . A MRI scan without contrast, of the brain was performed; these results were compared to a similar scan performed on November . The scan revealed bilateral acute infracts; the largest was located in the left superior cerebellum. Atrophy and chronic ischemic change was also evident. The MRA scan, without contrast, of the intracranial region showed significant intracranial atherosclerotic disease in one or two occluded branches of the right middle cerebral. On the same day, W. K. had his first DG swallow function test. Under lateral video fluoroscopic observation, various consistencies of oral barium blouses were administered to the patient. The video tape recording revealed Frank Tracheal Aspiration with thin liquid, nectar, thick liquid and honey thick consistency barium solutions as well as vallecular pooling. These findings explain the source of Mr. K.’s congestion. Finally, a DG chest portable 1V test was performed. The results of this test were compared to a similar test performed on November 1. There was found to be mild improvement in W. K.’s interstitial prominence. There was no pneumonia or faxal infiltrates found.
When W. K. was admitted to the hospital, his abnormal laboratory findings included a low potassium level of .1 mEq/Lh, a low lymphocyte count of %, a low monocyte count of 0%, and a low ABS monocyte count of 0% k/uL. His glucose level was high with a reading of 161 mg/dl. There was a high AST/SGOT of 46 U/L. There was a high WBC count of 4. K/uL. The RDW was high at 15.%; as was the neutrophil count of 7% and a high ADS granulocyte reading of .5 K/uL.
When I met M. K. on the 5th of November, his carbon dioxide level was high at mEq/L and his WBC count was high at 17. K/uL. His RDW was high at 15.0%. His hemoglobin was low at 11.1 g/dL and his hematocrit was low at .5%. Finally, his RBC was low at .86 MiL/uL.
His vital signs were as followed blood pressure 14/86, heart rate of 84, respirations were 0, temperature afebrile at 5 degrees, and his oxygen saturation was 5%. Mr. K. denied any pain. He had a gaze preference to the left, and a slight left facial droop. He was confused, agitated, and had slurred speech. W. K.’s heart sounds were a regular rate and rhythm without any murmurs. Wheezes were present it the left lung lower lobe. Bowel sounds were active in all four quadrants. No edema present and pedal pulses were not palpable. He had a closed IV in place in his right had, for quick distribution of IV drugs. This site was free of any signs of irritation. He was placed on three liters of oxygen by was of a nasal canula. A Foley catheter was in place with out any discomfort. Mr. K.’s movements proved his anxiety level to be high. His activity was limited due to weakness in left leg and confusion; he also had a waist belt to restrain him from getting out of bed. His skin was warm and dry; he had a few abrasions on his left arm. He had errythematous areas on his iliac, spinal cord, and sacrum.
III. Diet
When W. K. was first admitted to the hospital he was ordered by his doctor to be on a NPO diet. However, to prevent malnourishment he was allowed to receive a dysphagia meal. This died consists of pureed foods such as scrambled eggs pureed vegetables, fruits, and custards. He also has to have all thin liquids thickened with Thick It. Due to the stroke Mr. K. has dysphagia, and at times aphagia. His foods can be made more appealing if the patient smells the food first. As the nurse it is important that his head is raised 0 degrees at meal times and 0 minutes after to decrease aspiration. (Sparks and Taylor 001) It is also important for this client to receive adequate fluid intake, because he shows signs of mild dehydration. After meals his bowel sounds need to be monitored.
IV. Drug Therapy
W. K. is on a total of three drugs that help treat his condition. As always the five rights of drug administration must be in effect when giving a client medication. The first drug is Asprin also known as Aspergum, Bayer, Easprin, Ecotrin, Empirin, Entrophen, Genpotin, Norwich, Novasen, and Zorprin. He is to take 5 mg by mouth everyday at 1000 am. This drug is classified as an antiplatelet drug. W. K’s immobility makes it easy for blood clots to form. Asprin was prescribed to thin his blood and protect him from any blood clots or a pulmonary embolus. This medication needs to be taken with food or after meals if GI upset occurs. Nausea, GI upset, heartburn, easy bruising, and gum bleeding may occur. (Karch 000)
The second drug is Paxil or Paroxetine, an antidepressant. Mr. K. takes 1.5 mg of this drug every day by mouth at 1000 am. W. K. has a history of depression and after his daughter was admitted to the hospital his appetite decreased because of reoccurring depression. This medication may cause drowsiness, dizziness, tremors, GI upset, and alterations in sexual function. (Karch 000)
The last drug is Lorazepam, also called Ativan. This drug is used to treat anxiety. W. K. takes this drug either IV or by mouth .mg every 8 hours when needed. Mr. K. experiences high anxiety levels demonstrated by fidgeting, and signs of aggravation associated with being hospitalized and depression. The nurse needs to make sure that this medication is pushed slow, infuse at maximum rate of mg/min. Drowsiness, dizziness, and GI upset may occur. (Karch 000)
V. Other Therapy
To maintain W. K.’s oxygen levels between 5% and 100%, he was placed on L of oxygen. His oxygen saturation levels are monitored every four hours. The oxygen saturation levels were best measured from his ear. His nasal canula must be cleaned and checked to be certain that it is in the correct position the doctor has ordered that this patient receive physical therapy in order to prevent problems that occur with immobilization. The patient should try to get out of bed and move around as much as possible. However, duet to W. K.’s confusion and left sided weakness, he is very likely to fall. This patient needs to be turned every hours when in bed. He also has to wear moon shoes to prevent heel damage. W. K. uses a Foley catheter to prevent falls on the way to the bath room and accidents associated with incontinence. The doctor has ordered a restraint to be placed across the patients waist in order to prevent him from getting out of bed on his own and falling. This restraint order must be signed daily by the doctor and the nurse has to verify his daily signature.
Since this patient can not swallow, mouth care is important in order to prevent debris from collecting in his mouth. Swabs are used to remove any excess debris from his mouth. W. K.’s oral membranes need to be kept moist to promote comfort.
VI. Nursing Care Plan
W. K.’s nursing care plan’s physiological mode addresses his physical mobility impairment related to his neuromuscular impairment. The patient was assessed to have suffered a CVA. Due to his CVA, W. K. is uncoordinated and has jerky movements. Hi is totally dependent and can not participate in any activity with out assistance. He has a waist restraint, and a sitter that comes in from 11pm to 7am. He has some reddened areas on his spine, iliac, and sacrum. Mr. K. also has moon shoes to prevent heel breakdown.
The nurses plan to prevent complications such as contractures, venous stasis, thrombus formation, skin break down, or hypostatic pneumonia throughout his hospital stay. Patient or family members will carry out mobility regimen after discharge from the hospital. Patient of family member will make plans to use resources to help maintain his level of mobility before discharge from the hospital.
Range of motion exercises are to be performed to joints, unless contraindicated. These exercises should progress from passive to active as the patient can tolerate.
- These exercises will prevent joint contractures and muscular atrophy.
(Sparks and Taylor 001)
The patient should be turned and positioned every hours. A turning schedule should be established because this is a dependent patient.
- This prevents skin breakdown by releaving pressure. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The physical therapist will develop the mobility regimen.
- This is to help rehabilitate musculoskeletal deficits. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The family members will be instructed in ROM exercises, transfers, skin inspection, and the mobility regimen.
- In order to help prepare the patient for discharge. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The physical therapist will demonstrate the mobility regimen and note the date. The patient and family members will then demonstrate the mobility regimen to ensure continuity of care and the use of proper technique. The date of this demonstration will be noted. W. K. has not experienced any pressure ulcers while being hospitalized.
The self concept mode diagnosis is that the patient exhibits hopelessness related to a failing or deteriorating physiologic condition. His emotional status is one of a sense of hopelessness. He stated that “there is no reason left for him to be here”. He exhibits lack of control over self care. His current situation is a severe state of weight loss. His daughter is in hospice. He has loss his appetite, his daughter, and his wife. He suffers from depression.
The patient will require rest and an appropriate activity pattern while hospitalized. The patient will be helped to identify factors that make him feel more hopeful in two days. The patient will demonstrate more effective communication skills, which include direct verbal responses to questions and increased eye contact before being discharged.
The medical regimen designed for the patient will be followed.
- This will manage his physiologic condition and increase his potential for recovery. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The family members and patient will be involved in care planning and the patient will be allowed to choose his degree of self-involvement.
- The cognitive disturbances associated with anxiety or depression prevents the patient form making healthy decisions. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Comfort measures will be used to complement his prescribed medications.
- In order to induce relaxation. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The patient will receive help in mobilizing his resources before being discharged. This includes contacting family members and scheduling follow-up appointments with referral groups such as hospice. The patient and family members should be left with a sense of future direction. The patient will be able to discuss feelings of hopelessness openly.
Role function mode- the patient suffers from a verbal communication impairment related to decreased blood circulation to his brain. Therefore, his ability to speak has decreased, and his ability to understand verbal communication has decreased. He is unable to use words appropriately. His level of consciousness has decreased and he is disoriented. His major form of communication is a nod. He has difficulty expressing thoughts, verbally. He has aphagia.
Patient and family will express satisfaction with level of communication skills during W. K.’s hospital stay. Patient will maintain his state of orientation throughout hospital stay. Patient will maintain an effective level of communication before discharge from the hospital.
Monitoring and recording changes in speech pattern or level of orientation must be done for this patient.
- Changes may indicate improvement of deterioration of condition. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
While communicating with W. K. the nurse needs to speak slowly and distinctly in normal tone when addressing the patient, and stand where patient can see and hear you.
- These actions promote comprehension. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Reorient W. K. to reality by calling him by name, telling him your name, and giving him background information.
- These measures develop orientation skills through repetition and recognition of familiar objects. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Use short simple phrases and yes or no questions when patient is very frustrated.
- This is to reduce frustration. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Allow ample time for response. Do not answer questions yourself if W. K. has ability to respond.
- This improves patient’s self-concept and reduces frustration. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The outcome should conclude that patient and family members are communicating at satisfactory levels. The patient communicates effectively ten times daily.
Finally, the interdependence mode of the nursing care plan follows the last nursing diagnosis for this patient. Social interaction impairment related to altered thought process. Because of the CVA W. K. now has an insufficient quantity of social exchange.
His family reported a change in his style of interaction, W. K. also has a history of presbyacusis associated with old age.
The plan of care for Mr. K. include, he will remain free of injuries throughout hospital stay. Patient and family members will report concern about difficulties in social interaction throughout hospital stay. Patient and family members will participate in care and prescribed therapies throughout hospital stay. Patient will regain appropriate neurological function to extent possible before discharge. Lastly, patient and family will identify and mobilize resources for rehabilitation and discharge planning as necessary.
The nurse needs to take precautions to ensure safe and protected environment providing side rails, and use of physical restraints as necessary.
- This reduces potential for patient injury. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
W. K. needs to receive positive reinforcement for appropriate and effective interaction behaviors (verbal and nonverbal).
- This helps patient recognize progress and enhances feelings of self-worth. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
W. K. and his family members need to be assisted in progressive participation in care therapies.
- This reduces feelings of helplessness and enhances patient’s feelings of control and independence. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
VII. Teaching Plan
Nurses have an ethical responsibility to teach their clients. (Potter 1) The nurse should anticipate client’s needs for information that clients and their family members need. W. K. and his family members need to be educated about the safe and effective use of medication, according to law and their needs. Mr. K’s family also needed to be educated about proper positioning of the patient, and rehabilitation techniques to help him function more independently in his environment. I felt that they also needed to be informed about access to additional resources in the community, and lastly about when and how to obtain any further treatment W. K. may need.
I asked Mr. K. questions that could define his motivation to learn, lack of motivation seriously threatens the success of the teaching plan. (Potter 1) Because of Mr. K.’s condition he has to be taught while he is alert and rested. It is also important that there is complete focus on his wellness and strengths. Also his teaching sessions need to be kept short to maintain complete alertness.
Knowledge deficit related to psychomotor dysfunction is the best nursing diagnosis that relates to this patient. The main goals for W. K. is that he takes his medication properly, he is provided with the proper care for his condition, his skin integrity remains intact, and the family contacts hospice when necessary so this patient can die peacefully.
I involved the patient by teaching him how to position himself to prevent pressure ulcers, and having him to demonstrate this back to me. We also performed range of motion exercises that the patient also demonstrated sufficiently. This is an important measure to prevent contractures.
I implemented my teaching plan through reinforcement. When W. K. seemed to be understanding, I provided him with positive reinforcement. This can ensure me that after the teaching he will still perform proper behavior to maintain his health. The effectiveness of my teaching was based on W. K.’s feed back. From his feed back I would consider my teaching very effective.
I. Health History
The subject of my case study is W. K. W.K. is a 5 year old white male who was admitted to Moses Cone Hospital on November , 00. Prior to being admitted to the hospital, W. K. had been in excellent health. His troubles apparently began three weeks prior to being admitted. On November , W. K.’s son found him lying on the floor confused, and soaked in urine.
Mr. K. was diagnosed as having an acute cerebral vascular accident. This disorder can also be described as a “stroke”. It occurs when there is an interruption of normal blood flow in one or more of the blood vessels that supply the brain. Thrombosis, embolism, and hemorrhage are the primary causes of a CVA. (Sommers and Johnson 00) The tissues of the brain become ischemic, leading to hypoxia or anoxia with destruction or necrosis of the neurons, glia, and vasculature. Complications of CVA include unstable blood pressure, sensory and motor impairment, infection, pneumonia, contractures, and pulmonary emboli. CVA is the third leading cause of death in the United States and affects more than 500,000 Americans annually. (Sommers and Johnson 00)
He was widowed in October of 001, one daughter has coronary artery disease, one son died of an MI at age 7, and one son died with lung cancer at 57. He had been the primary care giver of his daughter until she was admitted to the hospital three weeks ago. She is dying with a short bowel syndrome and cirrhosis and is now being taken care of in hospice. Soon after being left alone, Mr. K.’s appetite decreased and he had become congested. He was placed on Paxil to treat symptoms of depression. He had also been taking Cipro for congestion. Also his family noticed that he was suffering from confusion. As a result, they brought him into the Emergency Room for evaluation. The Emergency Room doctors performed a CT scan of the brain which revealed evidence of old strokes. The doctors stopped the Cipro and placed him on Z-pack. This seemed to improve his state of confusion, as well as reduce his symptoms of congestion.
On the nd, he was seen for the congestion. The doctor examined him thoroughly. This exam included giving him a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray proved to be normal. His white blood count was elevated and he was found to be mildly dehydrated. He was prescribed Amoxicillin 500 three times a day, and Guaifenesin. His past medical history is short including depression, stroke, and presbyacusis. He has not had any prior surgery and there are no known allergies.
II. Diagnostic Measures
On November 5, 00 W. K. under went several diagnostic studies in order to confirm that he indeed had suffered a stroke on November . A MRI scan without contrast, of the brain was performed; these results were compared to a similar scan performed on November . The scan revealed bilateral acute infracts; the largest was located in the left superior cerebellum. Atrophy and chronic ischemic change was also evident. The MRA scan, without contrast, of the intracranial region showed significant intracranial atherosclerotic disease in one or two occluded branches of the right middle cerebral. On the same day, W. K. had his first DG swallow function test. Under lateral video fluoroscopic observation, various consistencies of oral barium blouses were administered to the patient. The video tape recording revealed Frank Tracheal Aspiration with thin liquid, nectar, thick liquid and honey thick consistency barium solutions as well as vallecular pooling. These findings explain the source of Mr. K.’s congestion. Finally, a DG chest portable 1V test was performed. The results of this test were compared to a similar test performed on November 1. There was found to be mild improvement in W. K.’s interstitial prominence. There was no pneumonia or faxal infiltrates found.
When W. K. was admitted to the hospital, his abnormal laboratory findings included a low potassium level of .1 mEq/Lh, a low lymphocyte count of %, a low monocyte count of 0%, and a low ABS monocyte count of 0% k/uL. His glucose level was high with a reading of 161 mg/dl. There was a high AST/SGOT of 46 U/L. There was a high WBC count of 4. K/uL. The RDW was high at 15.%; as was the neutrophil count of 7% and a high ADS granulocyte reading of .5 K/uL.
When I met M. K. on the 5th of November, his carbon dioxide level was high at mEq/L and his WBC count was high at 17. K/uL. His RDW was high at 15.0%. His hemoglobin was low at 11.1 g/dL and his hematocrit was low at .5%. Finally, his RBC was low at .86 MiL/uL.
His vital signs were as followed blood pressure 14/86, heart rate of 84, respirations were 0, temperature afebrile at 5 degrees, and his oxygen saturation was 5%. Mr. K. denied any pain. He had a gaze preference to the left, and a slight left facial droop. He was confused, agitated, and had slurred speech. W. K.’s heart sounds were a regular rate and rhythm without any murmurs. Wheezes were present it the left lung lower lobe. Bowel sounds were active in all four quadrants. No edema present and pedal pulses were not palpable. He had a closed IV in place in his right had, for quick distribution of IV drugs. This site was free of any signs of irritation. He was placed on three liters of oxygen by was of a nasal canula. A Foley catheter was in place with out any discomfort. Mr. K.’s movements proved his anxiety level to be high. His activity was limited due to weakness in left leg and confusion; he also had a waist belt to restrain him from getting out of bed. His skin was warm and dry; he had a few abrasions on his left arm. He had errythematous areas on his iliac, spinal cord, and sacrum.
III. Diet
When W. K. was first admitted to the hospital he was ordered by his doctor to be on a NPO diet. However, to prevent malnourishment he was allowed to receive a dysphagia meal. This died consists of pureed foods such as scrambled eggs pureed vegetables, fruits, and custards. He also has to have all thin liquids thickened with Thick It. Due to the stroke Mr. K. has dysphagia, and at times aphagia. His foods can be made more appealing if the patient smells the food first. As the nurse it is important that his head is raised 0 degrees at meal times and 0 minutes after to decrease aspiration. (Sparks and Taylor 001) It is also important for this client to receive adequate fluid intake, because he shows signs of mild dehydration. After meals his bowel sounds need to be monitored.
IV. Drug Therapy
W. K. is on a total of three drugs that help treat his condition. As always the five rights of drug administration must be in effect when giving a client medication. The first drug is Asprin also known as Aspergum, Bayer, Easprin, Ecotrin, Empirin, Entrophen, Genpotin, Norwich, Novasen, and Zorprin. He is to take 5 mg by mouth everyday at 1000 am. This drug is classified as an antiplatelet drug. W. K’s immobility makes it easy for blood clots to form. Asprin was prescribed to thin his blood and protect him from any blood clots or a pulmonary embolus. This medication needs to be taken with food or after meals if GI upset occurs. Nausea, GI upset, heartburn, easy bruising, and gum bleeding may occur. (Karch 000)
The second drug is Paxil or Paroxetine, an antidepressant. Mr. K. takes 1.5 mg of this drug every day by mouth at 1000 am. W. K. has a history of depression and after his daughter was admitted to the hospital his appetite decreased because of reoccurring depression. This medication may cause drowsiness, dizziness, tremors, GI upset, and alterations in sexual function. (Karch 000)
The last drug is Lorazepam, also called Ativan. This drug is used to treat anxiety. W. K. takes this drug either IV or by mouth .mg every 8 hours when needed. Mr. K. experiences high anxiety levels demonstrated by fidgeting, and signs of aggravation associated with being hospitalized and depression. The nurse needs to make sure that this medication is pushed slow, infuse at maximum rate of mg/min. Drowsiness, dizziness, and GI upset may occur. (Karch 000)
V. Other Therapy
To maintain W. K.’s oxygen levels between 5% and 100%, he was placed on L of oxygen. His oxygen saturation levels are monitored every four hours. The oxygen saturation levels were best measured from his ear. His nasal canula must be cleaned and checked to be certain that it is in the correct position the doctor has ordered that this patient receive physical therapy in order to prevent problems that occur with immobilization. The patient should try to get out of bed and move around as much as possible. However, duet to W. K.’s confusion and left sided weakness, he is very likely to fall. This patient needs to be turned every hours when in bed. He also has to wear moon shoes to prevent heel damage. W. K. uses a Foley catheter to prevent falls on the way to the bath room and accidents associated with incontinence. The doctor has ordered a restraint to be placed across the patients waist in order to prevent him from getting out of bed on his own and falling. This restraint order must be signed daily by the doctor and the nurse has to verify his daily signature.
Since this patient can not swallow, mouth care is important in order to prevent debris from collecting in his mouth. Swabs are used to remove any excess debris from his mouth. W. K.’s oral membranes need to be kept moist to promote comfort.
VI. Nursing Care Plan
W. K.’s nursing care plan’s physiological mode addresses his physical mobility impairment related to his neuromuscular impairment. The patient was assessed to have suffered a CVA. Due to his CVA, W. K. is uncoordinated and has jerky movements. Hi is totally dependent and can not participate in any activity with out assistance. He has a waist restraint, and a sitter that comes in from 11pm to 7am. He has some reddened areas on his spine, iliac, and sacrum. Mr. K. also has moon shoes to prevent heel breakdown.
The nurses plan to prevent complications such as contractures, venous stasis, thrombus formation, skin break down, or hypostatic pneumonia throughout his hospital stay. Patient or family members will carry out mobility regimen after discharge from the hospital. Patient of family member will make plans to use resources to help maintain his level of mobility before discharge from the hospital.
Range of motion exercises are to be performed to joints, unless contraindicated. These exercises should progress from passive to active as the patient can tolerate.
- These exercises will prevent joint contractures and muscular atrophy.
(Sparks and Taylor 001)
The patient should be turned and positioned every hours. A turning schedule should be established because this is a dependent patient.
- This prevents skin breakdown by releaving pressure. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The physical therapist will develop the mobility regimen.
- This is to help rehabilitate musculoskeletal deficits. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The family members will be instructed in ROM exercises, transfers, skin inspection, and the mobility regimen.
- In order to help prepare the patient for discharge. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The physical therapist will demonstrate the mobility regimen and note the date. The patient and family members will then demonstrate the mobility regimen to ensure continuity of care and the use of proper technique. The date of this demonstration will be noted. W. K. has not experienced any pressure ulcers while being hospitalized.
The self concept mode diagnosis is that the patient exhibits hopelessness related to a failing or deteriorating physiologic condition. His emotional status is one of a sense of hopelessness. He stated that “there is no reason left for him to be here”. He exhibits lack of control over self care. His current situation is a severe state of weight loss. His daughter is in hospice. He has loss his appetite, his daughter, and his wife. He suffers from depression.
The patient will require rest and an appropriate activity pattern while hospitalized. The patient will be helped to identify factors that make him feel more hopeful in two days. The patient will demonstrate more effective communication skills, which include direct verbal responses to questions and increased eye contact before being discharged.
The medical regimen designed for the patient will be followed.
- This will manage his physiologic condition and increase his potential for recovery. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The family members and patient will be involved in care planning and the patient will be allowed to choose his degree of self-involvement.
- The cognitive disturbances associated with anxiety or depression prevents the patient form making healthy decisions. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Comfort measures will be used to complement his prescribed medications.
- In order to induce relaxation. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The patient will receive help in mobilizing his resources before being discharged. This includes contacting family members and scheduling follow-up appointments with referral groups such as hospice. The patient and family members should be left with a sense of future direction. The patient will be able to discuss feelings of hopelessness openly.
Role function mode- the patient suffers from a verbal communication impairment related to decreased blood circulation to his brain. Therefore, his ability to speak has decreased, and his ability to understand verbal communication has decreased. He is unable to use words appropriately. His level of consciousness has decreased and he is disoriented. His major form of communication is a nod. He has difficulty expressing thoughts, verbally. He has aphagia.
Patient and family will express satisfaction with level of communication skills during W. K.’s hospital stay. Patient will maintain his state of orientation throughout hospital stay. Patient will maintain an effective level of communication before discharge from the hospital.
Monitoring and recording changes in speech pattern or level of orientation must be done for this patient.
- Changes may indicate improvement of deterioration of condition. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
While communicating with W. K. the nurse needs to speak slowly and distinctly in normal tone when addressing the patient, and stand where patient can see and hear you.
- These actions promote comprehension. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Reorient W. K. to reality by calling him by name, telling him your name, and giving him background information.
- These measures develop orientation skills through repetition and recognition of familiar objects. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Use short simple phrases and yes or no questions when patient is very frustrated.
- This is to reduce frustration. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Allow ample time for response. Do not answer questions yourself if W. K. has ability to respond.
- This improves patient’s self-concept and reduces frustration. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The outcome should conclude that patient and family members are communicating at satisfactory levels. The patient communicates effectively ten times daily.
Finally, the interdependence mode of the nursing care plan follows the last nursing diagnosis for this patient. Social interaction impairment related to altered thought process. Because of the CVA W. K. now has an insufficient quantity of social exchange.
His family reported a change in his style of interaction, W. K. also has a history of presbyacusis associated with old age.
The plan of care for Mr. K. include, he will remain free of injuries throughout hospital stay. Patient and family members will report concern about difficulties in social interaction throughout hospital stay. Patient and family members will participate in care and prescribed therapies throughout hospital stay. Patient will regain appropriate neurological function to extent possible before discharge. Lastly, patient and family will identify and mobilize resources for rehabilitation and discharge planning as necessary.
The nurse needs to take precautions to ensure safe and protected environment providing side rails, and use of physical restraints as necessary.
- This reduces potential for patient injury. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
W. K. needs to receive positive reinforcement for appropriate and effective interaction behaviors (verbal and nonverbal).
- This helps patient recognize progress and enhances feelings of self-worth. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
W. K. and his family members need to be assisted in progressive participation in care therapies.
- This reduces feelings of helplessness and enhances patient’s feelings of control and independence. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
VII. Teaching Plan
Nurses have an ethical responsibility to teach their clients. (Potter 1) The nurse should anticipate client’s needs for information that clients and their family members need. W. K. and his family members need to be educated about the safe and effective use of medication, according to law and their needs. Mr. K’s family also needed to be educated about proper positioning of the patient, and rehabilitation techniques to help him function more independently in his environment. I felt that they also needed to be informed about access to additional resources in the community, and lastly about when and how to obtain any further treatment W. K. may need.
I asked Mr. K. questions that could define his motivation to learn, lack of motivation seriously threatens the success of the teaching plan. (Potter 1) Because of Mr. K.’s condition he has to be taught while he is alert and rested. It is also important that there is complete focus on his wellness and strengths. Also his teaching sessions need to be kept short to maintain complete alertness.
Knowledge deficit related to psychomotor dysfunction is the best nursing diagnosis that relates to this patient. The main goals for W. K. is that he takes his medication properly, he is provided with the proper care for his condition, his skin integrity remains intact, and the family contacts hospice when necessary so this patient can die peacefully.
I involved the patient by teaching him how to position himself to prevent pressure ulcers, and having him to demonstrate this back to me. We also performed range of motion exercises that the patient also demonstrated sufficiently. This is an important measure to prevent contractures.
I implemented my teaching plan through reinforcement. When W. K. seemed to be understanding, I provided him with positive reinforcement. This can ensure me that after the teaching he will still perform proper behavior to maintain his health. The effectiveness of my teaching was based on W. K.’s feed back. From his feed back I would consider my teaching very effective.
Karch, Amy. Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide. 1st ed. Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore Lippincott, Inc, 000. 1-46.
Perry, Anne G., and Patricia A. Potter. Fundamentals of Nursing. 5th ed. St. Louis Mosby, Inc, 001. 40-45
Sommers, Marilyn, and Johnson, Susan. Diseases and Disorders. nd ed. Philadelphia F. A. Davis Copany, 000. 5-7
Sparks, Linda, and Taylor, Sam. Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual. 5th ed. New York Shark, Inc, 001. -146
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I. Health History
The subject of my case study is W. K. W.K. is a 5 year old white male who was admitted to Moses Cone Hospital on November , 00. Prior to being admitted to the hospital, W. K. had been in excellent health. His troubles apparently began three weeks prior to being admitted. On November , W. K.’s son found him lying on the floor confused, and soaked in urine.
Mr. K. was diagnosed as having an acute cerebral vascular accident. This disorder can also be described as a “stroke”. It occurs when there is an interruption of normal blood flow in one or more of the blood vessels that supply the brain. Thrombosis, embolism, and hemorrhage are the primary causes of a CVA. (Sommers and Johnson 00) The tissues of the brain become ischemic, leading to hypoxia or anoxia with destruction or necrosis of the neurons, glia, and vasculature. Complications of CVA include unstable blood pressure, sensory and motor impairment, infection, pneumonia, contractures, and pulmonary emboli. CVA is the third leading cause of death in the United States and affects more than 500,000 Americans annually. (Sommers and Johnson 00)
He was widowed in October of 001, one daughter has coronary artery disease, one son died of an MI at age 7, and one son died with lung cancer at 57. He had been the primary care giver of his daughter until she was admitted to the hospital three weeks ago. She is dying with a short bowel syndrome and cirrhosis and is now being taken care of in hospice. Soon after being left alone, Mr. K.’s appetite decreased and he had become congested. He was placed on Paxil to treat symptoms of depression. He had also been taking Cipro for congestion. Also his family noticed that he was suffering from confusion. As a result, they brought him into the Emergency Room for evaluation. The Emergency Room doctors performed a CT scan of the brain which revealed evidence of old strokes. The doctors stopped the Cipro and placed him on Z-pack. This seemed to improve his state of confusion, as well as reduce his symptoms of congestion.
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On the nd, he was seen for the congestion. The doctor examined him thoroughly. This exam included giving him a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray proved to be normal. His white blood count was elevated and he was found to be mildly dehydrated. He was prescribed Amoxicillin 500 three times a day, and Guaifenesin. His past medical history is short including depression, stroke, and presbyacusis. He has not had any prior surgery and there are no known allergies.
II. Diagnostic Measures
On November 5, 00 W. K. under went several diagnostic studies in order to confirm that he indeed had suffered a stroke on November . A MRI scan without contrast, of the brain was performed; these results were compared to a similar scan performed on November . The scan revealed bilateral acute infracts; the largest was located in the left superior cerebellum. Atrophy and chronic ischemic change was also evident. The MRA scan, without contrast, of the intracranial region showed significant intracranial atherosclerotic disease in one or two occluded branches of the right middle cerebral. On the same day, W. K. had his first DG swallow function test. Under lateral video fluoroscopic observation, various consistencies of oral barium blouses were administered to the patient. The video tape recording revealed Frank Tracheal Aspiration with thin liquid, nectar, thick liquid and honey thick consistency barium solutions as well as vallecular pooling. These findings explain the source of Mr. K.’s congestion. Finally, a DG chest portable 1V test was performed. The results of this test were compared to a similar test performed on November 1. There was found to be mild improvement in W. K.’s interstitial prominence. There was no pneumonia or faxal infiltrates found.
When W. K. was admitted to the hospital, his abnormal laboratory findings included a low potassium level of .1 mEq/Lh, a low lymphocyte count of %, a low monocyte count of 0%, and a low ABS monocyte count of 0% k/uL. His glucose level was high with a reading of 161 mg/dl. There was a high AST/SGOT of 46 U/L. There was a high WBC count of 4. K/uL. The RDW was high at 15.%; as was the neutrophil count of 7% and a high ADS granulocyte reading of .5 K/uL.
When I met M. K. on the 5th of November, his carbon dioxide level was high at mEq/L and his WBC count was high at 17. K/uL. His RDW was high at 15.0%. His hemoglobin was low at 11.1 g/dL and his hematocrit was low at .5%. Finally, his RBC was low at .86 MiL/uL.
His vital signs were as followed blood pressure 14/86, heart rate of 84, respirations were 0, temperature afebrile at 5 degrees, and his oxygen saturation was 5%. Mr. K. denied any pain. He had a gaze preference to the left, and a slight left facial droop. He was confused, agitated, and had slurred speech. W. K.’s heart sounds were a regular rate and rhythm without any murmurs. Wheezes were present it the left lung lower lobe. Bowel sounds were active in all four quadrants. No edema present and pedal pulses were not palpable. He had a closed IV in place in his right had, for quick distribution of IV drugs. This site was free of any signs of irritation. He was placed on three liters of oxygen by was of a nasal canula. A Foley catheter was in place with out any discomfort. Mr. K.’s movements proved his anxiety level to be high. His activity was limited due to weakness in left leg and confusion; he also had a waist belt to restrain him from getting out of bed. His skin was warm and dry; he had a few abrasions on his left arm. He had errythematous areas on his iliac, spinal cord, and sacrum.
III. Diet
When W. K. was first admitted to the hospital he was ordered by his doctor to be on a NPO diet. However, to prevent malnourishment he was allowed to receive a dysphagia meal. This died consists of pureed foods such as scrambled eggs pureed vegetables, fruits, and custards. He also has to have all thin liquids thickened with Thick It. Due to the stroke Mr. K. has dysphagia, and at times aphagia. His foods can be made more appealing if the patient smells the food first. As the nurse it is important that his head is raised 0 degrees at meal times and 0 minutes after to decrease aspiration. (Sparks and Taylor 001) It is also important for this client to receive adequate fluid intake, because he shows signs of mild dehydration. After meals his bowel sounds need to be monitored.
IV. Drug Therapy
W. K. is on a total of three drugs that help treat his condition. As always the five rights of drug administration must be in effect when giving a client medication. The first drug is Asprin also known as Aspergum, Bayer, Easprin, Ecotrin, Empirin, Entrophen, Genpotin, Norwich, Novasen, and Zorprin. He is to take 5 mg by mouth everyday at 1000 am. This drug is classified as an antiplatelet drug. W. K’s immobility makes it easy for blood clots to form. Asprin was prescribed to thin his blood and protect him from any blood clots or a pulmonary embolus. This medication needs to be taken with food or after meals if GI upset occurs. Nausea, GI upset, heartburn, easy bruising, and gum bleeding may occur. (Karch 000)
The second drug is Paxil or Paroxetine, an antidepressant. Mr. K. takes 1.5 mg of this drug every day by mouth at 1000 am. W. K. has a history of depression and after his daughter was admitted to the hospital his appetite decreased because of reoccurring depression. This medication may cause drowsiness, dizziness, tremors, GI upset, and alterations in sexual function. (Karch 000)
The last drug is Lorazepam, also called Ativan. This drug is used to treat anxiety. W. K. takes this drug either IV or by mouth .mg every 8 hours when needed. Mr. K. experiences high anxiety levels demonstrated by fidgeting, and signs of aggravation associated with being hospitalized and depression. The nurse needs to make sure that this medication is pushed slow, infuse at maximum rate of mg/min. Drowsiness, dizziness, and GI upset may occur. (Karch 000)
V. Other Therapy
To maintain W. K.’s oxygen levels between 5% and 100%, he was placed on L of oxygen. His oxygen saturation levels are monitored every four hours. The oxygen saturation levels were best measured from his ear. His nasal canula must be cleaned and checked to be certain that it is in the correct position the doctor has ordered that this patient receive physical therapy in order to prevent problems that occur with immobilization. The patient should try to get out of bed and move around as much as possible. However, duet to W. K.’s confusion and left sided weakness, he is very likely to fall. This patient needs to be turned every hours when in bed. He also has to wear moon shoes to prevent heel damage. W. K. uses a Foley catheter to prevent falls on the way to the bath room and accidents associated with incontinence. The doctor has ordered a restraint to be placed across the patients waist in order to prevent him from getting out of bed on his own and falling. This restraint order must be signed daily by the doctor and the nurse has to verify his daily signature.
Since this patient can not swallow, mouth care is important in order to prevent debris from collecting in his mouth. Swabs are used to remove any excess debris from his mouth. W. K.’s oral membranes need to be kept moist to promote comfort.
VI. Nursing Care Plan
W. K.’s nursing care plan’s physiological mode addresses his physical mobility impairment related to his neuromuscular impairment. The patient was assessed to have suffered a CVA. Due to his CVA, W. K. is uncoordinated and has jerky movements. Hi is totally dependent and can not participate in any activity with out assistance. He has a waist restraint, and a sitter that comes in from 11pm to 7am. He has some reddened areas on his spine, iliac, and sacrum. Mr. K. also has moon shoes to prevent heel breakdown.
The nurses plan to prevent complications such as contractures, venous stasis, thrombus formation, skin break down, or hypostatic pneumonia throughout his hospital stay. Patient or family members will carry out mobility regimen after discharge from the hospital. Patient of family member will make plans to use resources to help maintain his level of mobility before discharge from the hospital.
Range of motion exercises are to be performed to joints, unless contraindicated. These exercises should progress from passive to active as the patient can tolerate.
- These exercises will prevent joint contractures and muscular atrophy.
(Sparks and Taylor 001)
The patient should be turned and positioned every hours. A turning schedule should be established because this is a dependent patient.
- This prevents skin breakdown by releaving pressure. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The physical therapist will develop the mobility regimen.
- This is to help rehabilitate musculoskeletal deficits. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The family members will be instructed in ROM exercises, transfers, skin inspection, and the mobility regimen.
- In order to help prepare the patient for discharge. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The physical therapist will demonstrate the mobility regimen and note the date. The patient and family members will then demonstrate the mobility regimen to ensure continuity of care and the use of proper technique. The date of this demonstration will be noted. W. K. has not experienced any pressure ulcers while being hospitalized.
The self concept mode diagnosis is that the patient exhibits hopelessness related to a failing or deteriorating physiologic condition. His emotional status is one of a sense of hopelessness. He stated that “there is no reason left for him to be here”. He exhibits lack of control over self care. His current situation is a severe state of weight loss. His daughter is in hospice. He has loss his appetite, his daughter, and his wife. He suffers from depression.
The patient will require rest and an appropriate activity pattern while hospitalized. The patient will be helped to identify factors that make him feel more hopeful in two days. The patient will demonstrate more effective communication skills, which include direct verbal responses to questions and increased eye contact before being discharged.
The medical regimen designed for the patient will be followed.
- This will manage his physiologic condition and increase his potential for recovery. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The family members and patient will be involved in care planning and the patient will be allowed to choose his degree of self-involvement.
- The cognitive disturbances associated with anxiety or depression prevents the patient form making healthy decisions. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Comfort measures will be used to complement his prescribed medications.
- In order to induce relaxation. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The patient will receive help in mobilizing his resources before being discharged. This includes contacting family members and scheduling follow-up appointments with referral groups such as hospice. The patient and family members should be left with a sense of future direction. The patient will be able to discuss feelings of hopelessness openly.
Role function mode- the patient suffers from a verbal communication impairment related to decreased blood circulation to his brain. Therefore, his ability to speak has decreased, and his ability to understand verbal communication has decreased. He is unable to use words appropriately. His level of consciousness has decreased and he is disoriented. His major form of communication is a nod. He has difficulty expressing thoughts, verbally. He has aphagia.
Patient and family will express satisfaction with level of communication skills during W. K.’s hospital stay. Patient will maintain his state of orientation throughout hospital stay. Patient will maintain an effective level of communication before discharge from the hospital.
Monitoring and recording changes in speech pattern or level of orientation must be done for this patient.
- Changes may indicate improvement of deterioration of condition. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
While communicating with W. K. the nurse needs to speak slowly and distinctly in normal tone when addressing the patient, and stand where patient can see and hear you.
- These actions promote comprehension. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Reorient W. K. to reality by calling him by name, telling him your name, and giving him background information.
- These measures develop orientation skills through repetition and recognition of familiar objects. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Use short simple phrases and yes or no questions when patient is very frustrated.
- This is to reduce frustration. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Allow ample time for response. Do not answer questions yourself if W. K. has ability to respond.
- This improves patient’s self-concept and reduces frustration. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The outcome should conclude that patient and family members are communicating at satisfactory levels. The patient communicates effectively ten times daily.
Finally, the interdependence mode of the nursing care plan follows the last nursing diagnosis for this patient. Social interaction impairment related to altered thought process. Because of the CVA W. K. now has an insufficient quantity of social exchange.
His family reported a change in his style of interaction, W. K. also has a history of presbyacusis associated with old age.
The plan of care for Mr. K. include, he will remain free of injuries throughout hospital stay. Patient and family members will report concern about difficulties in social interaction throughout hospital stay. Patient and family members will participate in care and prescribed therapies throughout hospital stay. Patient will regain appropriate neurological function to extent possible before discharge. Lastly, patient and family will identify and mobilize resources for rehabilitation and discharge planning as necessary.
The nurse needs to take precautions to ensure safe and protected environment providing side rails, and use of physical restraints as necessary.
- This reduces potential for patient injury. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
W. K. needs to receive positive reinforcement for appropriate and effective interaction behaviors (verbal and nonverbal).
- This helps patient recognize progress and enhances feelings of self-worth. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
W. K. and his family members need to be assisted in progressive participation in care therapies.
- This reduces feelings of helplessness and enhances patient’s feelings of control and independence. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
VII. Teaching Plan
Nurses have an ethical responsibility to teach their clients. (Potter 1) The nurse should anticipate client’s needs for information that clients and their family members need. W. K. and his family members need to be educated about the safe and effective use of medication, according to law and their needs. Mr. K’s family also needed to be educated about proper positioning of the patient, and rehabilitation techniques to help him function more independently in his environment. I felt that they also needed to be informed about access to additional resources in the community, and lastly about when and how to obtain any further treatment W. K. may need.
I asked Mr. K. questions that could define his motivation to learn, lack of motivation seriously threatens the success of the teaching plan. (Potter 1) Because of Mr. K.’s condition he has to be taught while he is alert and rested. It is also important that there is complete focus on his wellness and strengths. Also his teaching sessions need to be kept short to maintain complete alertness.
Knowledge deficit related to psychomotor dysfunction is the best nursing diagnosis that relates to this patient. The main goals for W. K. is that he takes his medication properly, he is provided with the proper care for his condition, his skin integrity remains intact, and the family contacts hospice when necessary so this patient can die peacefully.
I involved the patient by teaching him how to position himself to prevent pressure ulcers, and having him to demonstrate this back to me. We also performed range of motion exercises that the patient also demonstrated sufficiently. This is an important measure to prevent contractures.
I implemented my teaching plan through reinforcement. When W. K. seemed to be understanding, I provided him with positive reinforcement. This can ensure me that after the teaching he will still perform proper behavior to maintain his health. The effectiveness of my teaching was based on W. K.’s feed back. From his feed back I would consider my teaching very effective.
I. Health History
The subject of my case study is W. K. W.K. is a 5 year old white male who was admitted to Moses Cone Hospital on November , 00. Prior to being admitted to the hospital, W. K. had been in excellent health. His troubles apparently began three weeks prior to being admitted. On November , W. K.’s son found him lying on the floor confused, and soaked in urine.
Mr. K. was diagnosed as having an acute cerebral vascular accident. This disorder can also be described as a “stroke”. It occurs when there is an interruption of normal blood flow in one or more of the blood vessels that supply the brain. Thrombosis, embolism, and hemorrhage are the primary causes of a CVA. (Sommers and Johnson 00) The tissues of the brain become ischemic, leading to hypoxia or anoxia with destruction or necrosis of the neurons, glia, and vasculature. Complications of CVA include unstable blood pressure, sensory and motor impairment, infection, pneumonia, contractures, and pulmonary emboli. CVA is the third leading cause of death in the United States and affects more than 500,000 Americans annually. (Sommers and Johnson 00)
He was widowed in October of 001, one daughter has coronary artery disease, one son died of an MI at age 7, and one son died with lung cancer at 57. He had been the primary care giver of his daughter until she was admitted to the hospital three weeks ago. She is dying with a short bowel syndrome and cirrhosis and is now being taken care of in hospice. Soon after being left alone, Mr. K.’s appetite decreased and he had become congested. He was placed on Paxil to treat symptoms of depression. He had also been taking Cipro for congestion. Also his family noticed that he was suffering from confusion. As a result, they brought him into the Emergency Room for evaluation. The Emergency Room doctors performed a CT scan of the brain which revealed evidence of old strokes. The doctors stopped the Cipro and placed him on Z-pack. This seemed to improve his state of confusion, as well as reduce his symptoms of congestion.
On the nd, he was seen for the congestion. The doctor examined him thoroughly. This exam included giving him a chest x-ray. The chest x-ray proved to be normal. His white blood count was elevated and he was found to be mildly dehydrated. He was prescribed Amoxicillin 500 three times a day, and Guaifenesin. His past medical history is short including depression, stroke, and presbyacusis. He has not had any prior surgery and there are no known allergies.
II. Diagnostic Measures
On November 5, 00 W. K. under went several diagnostic studies in order to confirm that he indeed had suffered a stroke on November . A MRI scan without contrast, of the brain was performed; these results were compared to a similar scan performed on November . The scan revealed bilateral acute infracts; the largest was located in the left superior cerebellum. Atrophy and chronic ischemic change was also evident. The MRA scan, without contrast, of the intracranial region showed significant intracranial atherosclerotic disease in one or two occluded branches of the right middle cerebral. On the same day, W. K. had his first DG swallow function test. Under lateral video fluoroscopic observation, various consistencies of oral barium blouses were administered to the patient. The video tape recording revealed Frank Tracheal Aspiration with thin liquid, nectar, thick liquid and honey thick consistency barium solutions as well as vallecular pooling. These findings explain the source of Mr. K.’s congestion. Finally, a DG chest portable 1V test was performed. The results of this test were compared to a similar test performed on November 1. There was found to be mild improvement in W. K.’s interstitial prominence. There was no pneumonia or faxal infiltrates found.
When W. K. was admitted to the hospital, his abnormal laboratory findings included a low potassium level of .1 mEq/Lh, a low lymphocyte count of %, a low monocyte count of 0%, and a low ABS monocyte count of 0% k/uL. His glucose level was high with a reading of 161 mg/dl. There was a high AST/SGOT of 46 U/L. There was a high WBC count of 4. K/uL. The RDW was high at 15.%; as was the neutrophil count of 7% and a high ADS granulocyte reading of .5 K/uL.
When I met M. K. on the 5th of November, his carbon dioxide level was high at mEq/L and his WBC count was high at 17. K/uL. His RDW was high at 15.0%. His hemoglobin was low at 11.1 g/dL and his hematocrit was low at .5%. Finally, his RBC was low at .86 MiL/uL.
His vital signs were as followed blood pressure 14/86, heart rate of 84, respirations were 0, temperature afebrile at 5 degrees, and his oxygen saturation was 5%. Mr. K. denied any pain. He had a gaze preference to the left, and a slight left facial droop. He was confused, agitated, and had slurred speech. W. K.’s heart sounds were a regular rate and rhythm without any murmurs. Wheezes were present it the left lung lower lobe. Bowel sounds were active in all four quadrants. No edema present and pedal pulses were not palpable. He had a closed IV in place in his right had, for quick distribution of IV drugs. This site was free of any signs of irritation. He was placed on three liters of oxygen by was of a nasal canula. A Foley catheter was in place with out any discomfort. Mr. K.’s movements proved his anxiety level to be high. His activity was limited due to weakness in left leg and confusion; he also had a waist belt to restrain him from getting out of bed. His skin was warm and dry; he had a few abrasions on his left arm. He had errythematous areas on his iliac, spinal cord, and sacrum.
III. Diet
When W. K. was first admitted to the hospital he was ordered by his doctor to be on a NPO diet. However, to prevent malnourishment he was allowed to receive a dysphagia meal. This died consists of pureed foods such as scrambled eggs pureed vegetables, fruits, and custards. He also has to have all thin liquids thickened with Thick It. Due to the stroke Mr. K. has dysphagia, and at times aphagia. His foods can be made more appealing if the patient smells the food first. As the nurse it is important that his head is raised 0 degrees at meal times and 0 minutes after to decrease aspiration. (Sparks and Taylor 001) It is also important for this client to receive adequate fluid intake, because he shows signs of mild dehydration. After meals his bowel sounds need to be monitored.
IV. Drug Therapy
W. K. is on a total of three drugs that help treat his condition. As always the five rights of drug administration must be in effect when giving a client medication. The first drug is Asprin also known as Aspergum, Bayer, Easprin, Ecotrin, Empirin, Entrophen, Genpotin, Norwich, Novasen, and Zorprin. He is to take 5 mg by mouth everyday at 1000 am. This drug is classified as an antiplatelet drug. W. K’s immobility makes it easy for blood clots to form. Asprin was prescribed to thin his blood and protect him from any blood clots or a pulmonary embolus. This medication needs to be taken with food or after meals if GI upset occurs. Nausea, GI upset, heartburn, easy bruising, and gum bleeding may occur. (Karch 000)
The second drug is Paxil or Paroxetine, an antidepressant. Mr. K. takes 1.5 mg of this drug every day by mouth at 1000 am. W. K. has a history of depression and after his daughter was admitted to the hospital his appetite decreased because of reoccurring depression. This medication may cause drowsiness, dizziness, tremors, GI upset, and alterations in sexual function. (Karch 000)
The last drug is Lorazepam, also called Ativan. This drug is used to treat anxiety. W. K. takes this drug either IV or by mouth .mg every 8 hours when needed. Mr. K. experiences high anxiety levels demonstrated by fidgeting, and signs of aggravation associated with being hospitalized and depression. The nurse needs to make sure that this medication is pushed slow, infuse at maximum rate of mg/min. Drowsiness, dizziness, and GI upset may occur. (Karch 000)
V. Other Therapy
To maintain W. K.’s oxygen levels between 5% and 100%, he was placed on L of oxygen. His oxygen saturation levels are monitored every four hours. The oxygen saturation levels were best measured from his ear. His nasal canula must be cleaned and checked to be certain that it is in the correct position the doctor has ordered that this patient receive physical therapy in order to prevent problems that occur with immobilization. The patient should try to get out of bed and move around as much as possible. However, duet to W. K.’s confusion and left sided weakness, he is very likely to fall. This patient needs to be turned every hours when in bed. He also has to wear moon shoes to prevent heel damage. W. K. uses a Foley catheter to prevent falls on the way to the bath room and accidents associated with incontinence. The doctor has ordered a restraint to be placed across the patients waist in order to prevent him from getting out of bed on his own and falling. This restraint order must be signed daily by the doctor and the nurse has to verify his daily signature.
Since this patient can not swallow, mouth care is important in order to prevent debris from collecting in his mouth. Swabs are used to remove any excess debris from his mouth. W. K.’s oral membranes need to be kept moist to promote comfort.
VI. Nursing Care Plan
W. K.’s nursing care plan’s physiological mode addresses his physical mobility impairment related to his neuromuscular impairment. The patient was assessed to have suffered a CVA. Due to his CVA, W. K. is uncoordinated and has jerky movements. Hi is totally dependent and can not participate in any activity with out assistance. He has a waist restraint, and a sitter that comes in from 11pm to 7am. He has some reddened areas on his spine, iliac, and sacrum. Mr. K. also has moon shoes to prevent heel breakdown.
The nurses plan to prevent complications such as contractures, venous stasis, thrombus formation, skin break down, or hypostatic pneumonia throughout his hospital stay. Patient or family members will carry out mobility regimen after discharge from the hospital. Patient of family member will make plans to use resources to help maintain his level of mobility before discharge from the hospital.
Range of motion exercises are to be performed to joints, unless contraindicated. These exercises should progress from passive to active as the patient can tolerate.
- These exercises will prevent joint contractures and muscular atrophy.
(Sparks and Taylor 001)
The patient should be turned and positioned every hours. A turning schedule should be established because this is a dependent patient.
- This prevents skin breakdown by releaving pressure. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The physical therapist will develop the mobility regimen.
- This is to help rehabilitate musculoskeletal deficits. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The family members will be instructed in ROM exercises, transfers, skin inspection, and the mobility regimen.
- In order to help prepare the patient for discharge. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The physical therapist will demonstrate the mobility regimen and note the date. The patient and family members will then demonstrate the mobility regimen to ensure continuity of care and the use of proper technique. The date of this demonstration will be noted. W. K. has not experienced any pressure ulcers while being hospitalized.
The self concept mode diagnosis is that the patient exhibits hopelessness related to a failing or deteriorating physiologic condition. His emotional status is one of a sense of hopelessness. He stated that “there is no reason left for him to be here”. He exhibits lack of control over self care. His current situation is a severe state of weight loss. His daughter is in hospice. He has loss his appetite, his daughter, and his wife. He suffers from depression.
The patient will require rest and an appropriate activity pattern while hospitalized. The patient will be helped to identify factors that make him feel more hopeful in two days. The patient will demonstrate more effective communication skills, which include direct verbal responses to questions and increased eye contact before being discharged.
The medical regimen designed for the patient will be followed.
- This will manage his physiologic condition and increase his potential for recovery. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The family members and patient will be involved in care planning and the patient will be allowed to choose his degree of self-involvement.
- The cognitive disturbances associated with anxiety or depression prevents the patient form making healthy decisions. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Comfort measures will be used to complement his prescribed medications.
- In order to induce relaxation. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The patient will receive help in mobilizing his resources before being discharged. This includes contacting family members and scheduling follow-up appointments with referral groups such as hospice. The patient and family members should be left with a sense of future direction. The patient will be able to discuss feelings of hopelessness openly.
Role function mode- the patient suffers from a verbal communication impairment related to decreased blood circulation to his brain. Therefore, his ability to speak has decreased, and his ability to understand verbal communication has decreased. He is unable to use words appropriately. His level of consciousness has decreased and he is disoriented. His major form of communication is a nod. He has difficulty expressing thoughts, verbally. He has aphagia.
Patient and family will express satisfaction with level of communication skills during W. K.’s hospital stay. Patient will maintain his state of orientation throughout hospital stay. Patient will maintain an effective level of communication before discharge from the hospital.
Monitoring and recording changes in speech pattern or level of orientation must be done for this patient.
- Changes may indicate improvement of deterioration of condition. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
While communicating with W. K. the nurse needs to speak slowly and distinctly in normal tone when addressing the patient, and stand where patient can see and hear you.
- These actions promote comprehension. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Reorient W. K. to reality by calling him by name, telling him your name, and giving him background information.
- These measures develop orientation skills through repetition and recognition of familiar objects. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Use short simple phrases and yes or no questions when patient is very frustrated.
- This is to reduce frustration. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
Allow ample time for response. Do not answer questions yourself if W. K. has ability to respond.
- This improves patient’s self-concept and reduces frustration. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
The outcome should conclude that patient and family members are communicating at satisfactory levels. The patient communicates effectively ten times daily.
Finally, the interdependence mode of the nursing care plan follows the last nursing diagnosis for this patient. Social interaction impairment related to altered thought process. Because of the CVA W. K. now has an insufficient quantity of social exchange.
His family reported a change in his style of interaction, W. K. also has a history of presbyacusis associated with old age.
The plan of care for Mr. K. include, he will remain free of injuries throughout hospital stay. Patient and family members will report concern about difficulties in social interaction throughout hospital stay. Patient and family members will participate in care and prescribed therapies throughout hospital stay. Patient will regain appropriate neurological function to extent possible before discharge. Lastly, patient and family will identify and mobilize resources for rehabilitation and discharge planning as necessary.
The nurse needs to take precautions to ensure safe and protected environment providing side rails, and use of physical restraints as necessary.
- This reduces potential for patient injury. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
W. K. needs to receive positive reinforcement for appropriate and effective interaction behaviors (verbal and nonverbal).
- This helps patient recognize progress and enhances feelings of self-worth. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
W. K. and his family members need to be assisted in progressive participation in care therapies.
- This reduces feelings of helplessness and enhances patient’s feelings of control and independence. (Sparks and Taylor 001)
VII. Teaching Plan
Nurses have an ethical responsibility to teach their clients. (Potter 1) The nurse should anticipate client’s needs for information that clients and their family members need. W. K. and his family members need to be educated about the safe and effective use of medication, according to law and their needs. Mr. K’s family also needed to be educated about proper positioning of the patient, and rehabilitation techniques to help him function more independently in his environment. I felt that they also needed to be informed about access to additional resources in the community, and lastly about when and how to obtain any further treatment W. K. may need.
I asked Mr. K. questions that could define his motivation to learn, lack of motivation seriously threatens the success of the teaching plan. (Potter 1) Because of Mr. K.’s condition he has to be taught while he is alert and rested. It is also important that there is complete focus on his wellness and strengths. Also his teaching sessions need to be kept short to maintain complete alertness.
Knowledge deficit related to psychomotor dysfunction is the best nursing diagnosis that relates to this patient. The main goals for W. K. is that he takes his medication properly, he is provided with the proper care for his condition, his skin integrity remains intact, and the family contacts hospice when necessary so this patient can die peacefully.
I involved the patient by teaching him how to position himself to prevent pressure ulcers, and having him to demonstrate this back to me. We also performed range of motion exercises that the patient also demonstrated sufficiently. This is an important measure to prevent contractures.
I implemented my teaching plan through reinforcement. When W. K. seemed to be understanding, I provided him with positive reinforcement. This can ensure me that after the teaching he will still perform proper behavior to maintain his health. The effectiveness of my teaching was based on W. K.’s feed back. From his feed back I would consider my teaching very effective.
Karch, Amy. Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide. 1st ed. Philadelphia, New York, Baltimore Lippincott, Inc, 000. 1-46.
Perry, Anne G., and Patricia A. Potter. Fundamentals of Nursing. 5th ed. St. Louis Mosby, Inc, 001. 40-45
Sommers, Marilyn, and Johnson, Susan. Diseases and Disorders. nd ed. Philadelphia F. A. Davis Copany, 000. 5-7
Sparks, Linda, and Taylor, Sam. Nursing Diagnosis Reference Manual. 5th ed. New York Shark, Inc, 001. -146
Mind that the sample papers like nursing case study presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Love even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Love in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
The word Love is defined in the Webster’s Dictionary as a strong attraction, or strong affectionate feeling that one embodies for another person. This attraction or affection doesn’t have to be a sexual love or a “lovey-love” but it can be a feeling for a friend, a lover, a partner, or family. The concept of Love cannot be taught, it can only be demonstrated throughout your childhood, in a hopefully positive manner, to create an even healthier concept of Love for you in the future.
The key to love is our relationships with others. I can love my best friend, and I can love my boyfriend, as well as my mom, dad, and my siblings. Love however has to come with time. The concept of Love at first sight is a theory that you can see somebody for the first time in your life and you can instantly get vibes, or feel like you are in love with them without even speaking. Real true Love is a love that has earned its trust, and has been created over time, and throughout a relationship. If one looks at all of the people in their life that they feel like they really love, chances are that they have known them now for some time. Take a marriage or a friendship for instance, most of us can relate to a friendship, but you have to work at it really hard before it can feel like one would trust that person with anything, and that is when I feel like one can truly love somebody.
I think that time is the true test for Love; I think that Love itself is a reward. If everyone at least has one person in their own life that they know that they love, then that is enough to get one through anything.
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Mind that the sample papers like Love presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
The word Love is defined in the Webster’s Dictionary as a strong attraction, or strong affectionate feeling that one embodies for another person. This attraction or affection doesn’t have to be a sexual love or a “lovey-love” but it can be a feeling for a friend, a lover, a partner, or family. The concept of Love cannot be taught, it can only be demonstrated throughout your childhood, in a hopefully positive manner, to create an even healthier concept of Love for you in the future.
The key to love is our relationships with others. I can love my best friend, and I can love my boyfriend, as well as my mom, dad, and my siblings. Love however has to come with time. The concept of Love at first sight is a theory that you can see somebody for the first time in your life and you can instantly get vibes, or feel like you are in love with them without even speaking. Real true Love is a love that has earned its trust, and has been created over time, and throughout a relationship. If one looks at all of the people in their life that they feel like they really love, chances are that they have known them now for some time. Take a marriage or a friendship for instance, most of us can relate to a friendship, but you have to work at it really hard before it can feel like one would trust that person with anything, and that is when I feel like one can truly love somebody.
I think that time is the true test for Love; I think that Love itself is a reward. If everyone at least has one person in their own life that they know that they love, then that is enough to get one through anything.
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Mind that the sample papers like Love presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Tuesday, 27 March 2012
Three Authors Views
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Three Authors Views even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Three Authors Views in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Many authors have used hidden messages in their writings. They attach a meaning to express their beliefs on political, spiritual, and emotional ideas. Joel C. Harris, Sara O. Jewett, and Kate Chopin all tell us their opinions throughout their stories. Some are intentional and some are not, but either way, these authors make a great statement about society. It is through these stories that the reader can gain personal insight into the views of the culture during that time.
In The Story of an Hour, Chopin tells the story of a woman, Mrs. Mallard, who has just been told that her husband was killed in a train wreck. To the readers astonishment, she is not sorrowful at all. She carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of victory, and she whispered to the emptiness of her room, Free! Body and soul free! Chopin uses these words to express how trapped the women of the late 1800s feel about being under a mans thumb. Then, Mallard immerses from her room and walks down the stairs, just her husband walks through the door. Mr. Brently Mallard was miles away from the wreck and was not even aware that the disaster had happened. His wife, who was so shocked from her husbands return, died from a heart attack at the sight of him. She was no longer free from his shadow and she could not live like that any longer. The authors use of such a dramatic ending truly shows the oppression that women felt, and that point hits the reader hard.
Kate Chopin did not stop with one story to explain the hardships that women felt. In D�sir�es Baby, she shows how race also played such a big part into their culture. D�sir�e, is an orphan girl who is taken into a wealthy family in Louisiana. When she was eighteen, Armand Aubigny fell in love with her. Soon, they were married, and a baby boy came not long after that. The couple could not have been happier, but the husband was especially because he now had a namesake. Then a strange and awful change occurred in Armands attitude. He avoided the mother and child at every moment possible. D�sir�e could not understand why until one day when a quadroon boy was fanning her and the baby, and she noticed his resemblance to the new born child. Shocked and confused, she stared at the two back and forth for quite a while. Then the husband came into the room and she knew why he was avoiding them. He was disgraced that his child was part African American. His advice to his confused wife was for her to go. To leave him and take the child with her. She did what he said and vanished into bayou. Later, the reader finds out that Armands mother was part African American.
Chopin has shown how trivial women were in that time period. But she also shows how African Americans were segregated against. D�sir�e was so easily convinced that she had polluted their childs blood that she killed herself and her infant son. Once again, Ms. Chopin has used her dramatic writing to demonstrate her views on society.
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The South in the 1800s was very driven by slavery. Blacks were not considered people or human beings, but as property. They could not discuss their opinions with out loosing a finger or an ear. So to take their mind off of the bad times, they came up with stories to make some light of the situation. In The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story, Brer Rabbit becomes frustrated with the Tar-Baby trap that Brer Fox has set for him. He hits and kicks the tar, which is shaped as a human, because it wont talk to him. His hands and feet then become stuck to the tar and Brer Fox comes out from his perch, laughing. In this context, the reader can only assume that Brer Rabbit represents the white slave owners, who often beat their slaves, and the Tar-baby represents the slaves. This story would have been told from one slave to another to poke fun at the slave owners, without getting caught.
Sarah O. Jewett discusses the same facets of the issue, but in a different tone. In A White Heron, she tells the story of a young girl, who meets a hunter, in the forest, on the way back from feeding her cow. The hunter is searching for the white heron to add to his collection of stuffed birds, and asks for the girls help. She agrees to help him and shows him around the forest. They do not find the bird, and after many days of searching, the girl is growing restless. So early in the morning she decides to climb the highest tree to look for its nest. When she finds it, she is so captivated by the white bird that she can not tell the herons secret and give its life away. Jewett made a very inconspicuous hint towards slavery in this story. Think of the hunter as the white slave owners, the young girl as the slaves, and the heron as a symbol of freedom for the blacks. The slaves do not want to give away their freedom to the whites, and Jewett believes they shouldnt have too.
Authors of the late 1800s used many different ways to convey their message to an unsuspecting audience. Through dramatic endings, folklore, and hidden meanings all of them get their point across with conviction. It is easy to understand the society of that time period through these passionate authors viewpoints and they leave a lasting impression on any reader.
Mind that the sample papers like Three Authors Views presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Many authors have used hidden messages in their writings. They attach a meaning to express their beliefs on political, spiritual, and emotional ideas. Joel C. Harris, Sara O. Jewett, and Kate Chopin all tell us their opinions throughout their stories. Some are intentional and some are not, but either way, these authors make a great statement about society. It is through these stories that the reader can gain personal insight into the views of the culture during that time.
In The Story of an Hour, Chopin tells the story of a woman, Mrs. Mallard, who has just been told that her husband was killed in a train wreck. To the readers astonishment, she is not sorrowful at all. She carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of victory, and she whispered to the emptiness of her room, Free! Body and soul free! Chopin uses these words to express how trapped the women of the late 1800s feel about being under a mans thumb. Then, Mallard immerses from her room and walks down the stairs, just her husband walks through the door. Mr. Brently Mallard was miles away from the wreck and was not even aware that the disaster had happened. His wife, who was so shocked from her husbands return, died from a heart attack at the sight of him. She was no longer free from his shadow and she could not live like that any longer. The authors use of such a dramatic ending truly shows the oppression that women felt, and that point hits the reader hard.
Kate Chopin did not stop with one story to explain the hardships that women felt. In D�sir�es Baby, she shows how race also played such a big part into their culture. D�sir�e, is an orphan girl who is taken into a wealthy family in Louisiana. When she was eighteen, Armand Aubigny fell in love with her. Soon, they were married, and a baby boy came not long after that. The couple could not have been happier, but the husband was especially because he now had a namesake. Then a strange and awful change occurred in Armands attitude. He avoided the mother and child at every moment possible. D�sir�e could not understand why until one day when a quadroon boy was fanning her and the baby, and she noticed his resemblance to the new born child. Shocked and confused, she stared at the two back and forth for quite a while. Then the husband came into the room and she knew why he was avoiding them. He was disgraced that his child was part African American. His advice to his confused wife was for her to go. To leave him and take the child with her. She did what he said and vanished into bayou. Later, the reader finds out that Armands mother was part African American.
Chopin has shown how trivial women were in that time period. But she also shows how African Americans were segregated against. D�sir�e was so easily convinced that she had polluted their childs blood that she killed herself and her infant son. Once again, Ms. Chopin has used her dramatic writing to demonstrate her views on society.
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The South in the 1800s was very driven by slavery. Blacks were not considered people or human beings, but as property. They could not discuss their opinions with out loosing a finger or an ear. So to take their mind off of the bad times, they came up with stories to make some light of the situation. In The Wonderful Tar-Baby Story, Brer Rabbit becomes frustrated with the Tar-Baby trap that Brer Fox has set for him. He hits and kicks the tar, which is shaped as a human, because it wont talk to him. His hands and feet then become stuck to the tar and Brer Fox comes out from his perch, laughing. In this context, the reader can only assume that Brer Rabbit represents the white slave owners, who often beat their slaves, and the Tar-baby represents the slaves. This story would have been told from one slave to another to poke fun at the slave owners, without getting caught.
Sarah O. Jewett discusses the same facets of the issue, but in a different tone. In A White Heron, she tells the story of a young girl, who meets a hunter, in the forest, on the way back from feeding her cow. The hunter is searching for the white heron to add to his collection of stuffed birds, and asks for the girls help. She agrees to help him and shows him around the forest. They do not find the bird, and after many days of searching, the girl is growing restless. So early in the morning she decides to climb the highest tree to look for its nest. When she finds it, she is so captivated by the white bird that she can not tell the herons secret and give its life away. Jewett made a very inconspicuous hint towards slavery in this story. Think of the hunter as the white slave owners, the young girl as the slaves, and the heron as a symbol of freedom for the blacks. The slaves do not want to give away their freedom to the whites, and Jewett believes they shouldnt have too.
Authors of the late 1800s used many different ways to convey their message to an unsuspecting audience. Through dramatic endings, folklore, and hidden meanings all of them get their point across with conviction. It is easy to understand the society of that time period through these passionate authors viewpoints and they leave a lasting impression on any reader.
Mind that the sample papers like Three Authors Views presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
How To Surf
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like How To Surf even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like How To Surf in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Surfing has been a sport enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It originated in Polynesian culture as a religious ceremony mainly practiced by the royalty. Having been introduced from the Hawaiian Islands roughly 60 years ago, it has become a common practice in virtually every coastal beach break throughout the USA and numerous places around the globe. When one goes surfing there are three basic stages that are repeated in a surf session getting out to the line up, waiting for the wave, and catching a wave and riding it in.
First off, one has to get to a beach break where there are rideable waves. Once there, one gets his/her leash and firmly straps it to the ankle. Depending if ones surfing stance on the board is Regular footed (left foot in front) or Goofy footed (right foot in front), the leash is normally strapped on the trailing leg. Taking the board in hand, one jumps into the water resting his/her chest on the center of the board, and begins paddling in a smooth and controlled fashion. As the whitewater from the crashing waves get closer and closer one has to submerse oneself along with the board under the wave, this is called duck diving. In order to not get caught by the waves force and washed off the board, this procedure has to be performed with proper timing and technique. In most cases it takes a lot of practice to properly master, even then, one is at the waves mercy. To make matters even more challenging, other surfers have to be accounted for. Depending on how crowded the surf break is, the possibilities of getting hit or run-over by other surfers is predominant. Meanwhile, several duck dives later one has reached the line-up and has an opportunity to rest up after the hard paddle.
Once at the line up(or general area that one waits for the incoming waves) its all a matter of patience and proper timing, two very important aspects involved in surfing. These aspects become the key to the second stage. Patience is needed in order to not get frustrated with numerous possibilities, ranging from not being able to catch a wave to not having enough waves to catch. If one begins to get frustrated then that messes up their timing and affects their ability to get properly positioned with the wave in order to drop in safely. A lot of time is spent just waiting for the right wave to come. This is one of the nice things about surfing for many people. It gives them a chance to forget about their problems and responsibilities. At the same time it can be a place to just think and clear ones mind. Although this thought process is going on, one is to remain very attentive and constantly screening the horizon for any possible wave swells.
As soon as a good wave is spotted and no other surfer is positioned for it, a hard paddle is commenced in order to catch the wave. This effort initiates the third stage, riding the damn thing! As soon as enough paddling speed has been attained and the wave begins to take over ones forward momentum, a split second decision has to be made on which way to drop in, left or right? This decision is based on countless circumstances. There could be a surfer on one side going right, forcing one to go left. This brings in the aspect of communication with other surfers. If the decision is made to go right and the other surfer goes the same way, it could lead to a collision and possible injury. It has to be made clear to the other surfer in which direction one is going by either eye contact, body movement, or a simple vocal warning. As soon as that is established (all this takes place in less than 1.5 seconds) one pushes off the board in a quick movement, pops up on two feet, and drops in. At this point one begins to feel an exhilarating rush of speed and fluidity as the board glides across the face of the wave. Once surfing the wave, skill and ability permitting, many tricks and maneuvers can be done. But in many cases just simply surfing the wave for what it is, can suffice to make one smile in awe of such an incredible experience.
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Immediately after the wave has finished (assuming there wasnt a wipe out) the three stages begin to repeat themselves over and over again. For the most part a session usually lasts anywhere from 1 to 5 hours, depending on the quality of the wave and how much time one has. It eventually becomes an addictive process, each stage with its own set of challenges and rewards. But when ones last wave of the session has been ridden into the beach and the leash has been wrapped around the board and arms stretched, a sense of gratitude for the ocean sets in and the rest of the day is put into a positive perspective.
Mind that the sample papers like How To Surf presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Surfing has been a sport enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It originated in Polynesian culture as a religious ceremony mainly practiced by the royalty. Having been introduced from the Hawaiian Islands roughly 60 years ago, it has become a common practice in virtually every coastal beach break throughout the USA and numerous places around the globe. When one goes surfing there are three basic stages that are repeated in a surf session getting out to the line up, waiting for the wave, and catching a wave and riding it in.
First off, one has to get to a beach break where there are rideable waves. Once there, one gets his/her leash and firmly straps it to the ankle. Depending if ones surfing stance on the board is Regular footed (left foot in front) or Goofy footed (right foot in front), the leash is normally strapped on the trailing leg. Taking the board in hand, one jumps into the water resting his/her chest on the center of the board, and begins paddling in a smooth and controlled fashion. As the whitewater from the crashing waves get closer and closer one has to submerse oneself along with the board under the wave, this is called duck diving. In order to not get caught by the waves force and washed off the board, this procedure has to be performed with proper timing and technique. In most cases it takes a lot of practice to properly master, even then, one is at the waves mercy. To make matters even more challenging, other surfers have to be accounted for. Depending on how crowded the surf break is, the possibilities of getting hit or run-over by other surfers is predominant. Meanwhile, several duck dives later one has reached the line-up and has an opportunity to rest up after the hard paddle.
Once at the line up(or general area that one waits for the incoming waves) its all a matter of patience and proper timing, two very important aspects involved in surfing. These aspects become the key to the second stage. Patience is needed in order to not get frustrated with numerous possibilities, ranging from not being able to catch a wave to not having enough waves to catch. If one begins to get frustrated then that messes up their timing and affects their ability to get properly positioned with the wave in order to drop in safely. A lot of time is spent just waiting for the right wave to come. This is one of the nice things about surfing for many people. It gives them a chance to forget about their problems and responsibilities. At the same time it can be a place to just think and clear ones mind. Although this thought process is going on, one is to remain very attentive and constantly screening the horizon for any possible wave swells.
As soon as a good wave is spotted and no other surfer is positioned for it, a hard paddle is commenced in order to catch the wave. This effort initiates the third stage, riding the damn thing! As soon as enough paddling speed has been attained and the wave begins to take over ones forward momentum, a split second decision has to be made on which way to drop in, left or right? This decision is based on countless circumstances. There could be a surfer on one side going right, forcing one to go left. This brings in the aspect of communication with other surfers. If the decision is made to go right and the other surfer goes the same way, it could lead to a collision and possible injury. It has to be made clear to the other surfer in which direction one is going by either eye contact, body movement, or a simple vocal warning. As soon as that is established (all this takes place in less than 1.5 seconds) one pushes off the board in a quick movement, pops up on two feet, and drops in. At this point one begins to feel an exhilarating rush of speed and fluidity as the board glides across the face of the wave. Once surfing the wave, skill and ability permitting, many tricks and maneuvers can be done. But in many cases just simply surfing the wave for what it is, can suffice to make one smile in awe of such an incredible experience.
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Immediately after the wave has finished (assuming there wasnt a wipe out) the three stages begin to repeat themselves over and over again. For the most part a session usually lasts anywhere from 1 to 5 hours, depending on the quality of the wave and how much time one has. It eventually becomes an addictive process, each stage with its own set of challenges and rewards. But when ones last wave of the session has been ridden into the beach and the leash has been wrapped around the board and arms stretched, a sense of gratitude for the ocean sets in and the rest of the day is put into a positive perspective.
Mind that the sample papers like How To Surf presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Monday, 26 March 2012
GM crops
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like GM crops even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like GM crops in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Imagine growing the most powerful crop in the world to benefit mankind! You are probably wondering, how can this be possible? This method is called GM crops or named genetically modified crops. Few general questions are asked about this new biotechnology. First question is, “what is this” or “what is this method?” Second, question may be, “is product beneficial or desirable?” Thirdly, are there any risks involved in this new biotechnology? These three questions will be discussed in this paper.
The first thing might be some general history and background of GM crops. It was first introduced in 16 for commercial production. Today, these crops are planted on more than 10 million acres worldwide (Pew initiative on food and biotechnology. 00). The largest producers of GM crops are in the United States, while Canada came in close second. The United States has two thirds of GM crops (p. ). In 1, it had grown to 50 million acres worldwide. This rapid increase grew concerns in Europe over the health and environmental impacts. With all this in mind, businesses had to change labeling, planting, marketing, and other things to sell and inform the consumers (Peterson, G. & Cunningham, S. 000). The risks and concerns are going to be more informative later in the paper. This new biotechnology is here to stay no matter what little risk and concerns that people may have presently.
In addition, “what are the GM crops?” The scientists will select desired gene or genes from donor organisms and inject these traits into recipient organisms without the long process of cross-pollination trails that emerge with the same result (English Nature. 000). The genetically modified organisms are the biological characteristics, through means other than conventional breeding programs or natural selection (p.). These advances in biotechnology have allowed scientist to accomplish genetic alterations of crop plants in 10 to 15 years that would have taken millions of years if left to chance and hundreds of years if left for traditional breeding methods (Waidyanatha, U.P. 001). Three basic steps are involved in genetic modification of a plant. First of all, is the isolation of a gene or genes from a donor organism. The second step is to transfer of the genes to a recipient plant. The third and final step is the expression of the genes resulting in the appearance of a new trait in the recipient (Barrett, K. 17).
Now that we are a little more familiar about GM crops and there history, the next question would be, are the GM crops beneficial? Soybean, maize, cotton, and canola are the four major GM crops (Fresco, L. 001). The benefit of this new biotechnology will help farmland, particularly wildlife if their use results in less intensive farming practices. Another way GM crops benefit to agriculture is, GM trees can be beneficial to forestry (p. ). If this is not enough, in Tucson, Arizona researchers did a study of GM crops and weeds. They fed “fend off pests” that was put on plants and weeds and it made it stronger. The weed they chose was a sunflower that was tested. The gene did not harm the physical fitness or the reproduction of it. They grew more plentiful and wildly spread out in land while deprived of water and nutrients, compared to the ones that wasn’t injected with “fend of pests.” They were dying and the others were damaged greatly by the insects. “This could be a start to crossbreed with crops and weeds,” said the researchers (Snow, A. 00).
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Mind that the sample papers like GM crops presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Imagine growing the most powerful crop in the world to benefit mankind! You are probably wondering, how can this be possible? This method is called GM crops or named genetically modified crops. Few general questions are asked about this new biotechnology. First question is, “what is this” or “what is this method?” Second, question may be, “is product beneficial or desirable?” Thirdly, are there any risks involved in this new biotechnology? These three questions will be discussed in this paper.
The first thing might be some general history and background of GM crops. It was first introduced in 16 for commercial production. Today, these crops are planted on more than 10 million acres worldwide (Pew initiative on food and biotechnology. 00). The largest producers of GM crops are in the United States, while Canada came in close second. The United States has two thirds of GM crops (p. ). In 1, it had grown to 50 million acres worldwide. This rapid increase grew concerns in Europe over the health and environmental impacts. With all this in mind, businesses had to change labeling, planting, marketing, and other things to sell and inform the consumers (Peterson, G. & Cunningham, S. 000). The risks and concerns are going to be more informative later in the paper. This new biotechnology is here to stay no matter what little risk and concerns that people may have presently.
In addition, “what are the GM crops?” The scientists will select desired gene or genes from donor organisms and inject these traits into recipient organisms without the long process of cross-pollination trails that emerge with the same result (English Nature. 000). The genetically modified organisms are the biological characteristics, through means other than conventional breeding programs or natural selection (p.). These advances in biotechnology have allowed scientist to accomplish genetic alterations of crop plants in 10 to 15 years that would have taken millions of years if left to chance and hundreds of years if left for traditional breeding methods (Waidyanatha, U.P. 001). Three basic steps are involved in genetic modification of a plant. First of all, is the isolation of a gene or genes from a donor organism. The second step is to transfer of the genes to a recipient plant. The third and final step is the expression of the genes resulting in the appearance of a new trait in the recipient (Barrett, K. 17).
Now that we are a little more familiar about GM crops and there history, the next question would be, are the GM crops beneficial? Soybean, maize, cotton, and canola are the four major GM crops (Fresco, L. 001). The benefit of this new biotechnology will help farmland, particularly wildlife if their use results in less intensive farming practices. Another way GM crops benefit to agriculture is, GM trees can be beneficial to forestry (p. ). If this is not enough, in Tucson, Arizona researchers did a study of GM crops and weeds. They fed “fend off pests” that was put on plants and weeds and it made it stronger. The weed they chose was a sunflower that was tested. The gene did not harm the physical fitness or the reproduction of it. They grew more plentiful and wildly spread out in land while deprived of water and nutrients, compared to the ones that wasn’t injected with “fend of pests.” They were dying and the others were damaged greatly by the insects. “This could be a start to crossbreed with crops and weeds,” said the researchers (Snow, A. 00).
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Mind that the sample papers like GM crops presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
war of independance
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like war of independance even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like war of independance in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Topic Discuss what Pakistan’s gaining it’s independence form the British in 147 would be like.
It was the year 1857. I was about 15 years old when the war took place, the war of independence. The sights and sounds of the war are still fresh in my mind. It was the first step towards the freedom of Pakistan. It was a war that taught me a lot of things, especially the importance of fighting for a separate country for Muslims. My father was a martyr of this war, and today I am glad to know that his efforts to oust the British from his motherland did not go fruitless.
My father, Ghulam Muhammad Khan, was a soldier in the rd light Cavalry in Meerut, India, which is where the mutiny started. One day ‘baba’ came back from work, and I overheard him talk in high tones with my mom in the other room. Since I was always curious, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. He was telling my mother about the new rifles that the British were supplying to his cavalry. Rumor had it that the cartridges had pig and cow fat rubbed onto them. Cows were holy to his Hindu friends, and pigs are forbidden animals for the Muslims. He went on about how the British were using these animal products only to tease and torment the people of India. Even without experience of the hardships and rigors of being a soldier, it was not hidden from even me that the British had many a time tried to taunt the Indians’ ego; however, their attitude was increasingly menacing towards the Muslims. They looked at Muslims as a threat to their rule, because the Muslims had ruled over India for more than a century. Thus, it could be just a matter of time before they turn the tables once again. The rumors about the tampering of cartridges were later confirmed by reliable sources. Other soldiers in my dad’s cavalry seemed agitated enough to rebel.
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The sepoys (name given to Indian soldiers) of the rd light cavalry alongside the 11th and 0th native infantry, refused to use the cartridges. Whenever they would be given the order to ‘load’ their rifles, they would ignore the command. Therefore, the British would remove one unit after the other from the Bengal Army. Consequently, the soldiers had to return home without pay, without pension, and without even a bit of pride that they had once felt in their uniforms. This disgrace left the Indian soldiers with a lot of hatred for the British officers, who they once respected. My dad and the soldiers in his cavalry decided to decline the use of the cartridges as well. The refusals bothered the British so much that they resorted to inhumane acts. On Saturday, the th of May 1857, the entire Indian infantry was paraded naked before the divisional commander, Major-General William H. Hewitt, known as ‘Bloody Bill’. This mortifying act was done to humiliate the eighty-five soldiers of the rd Cavalry (including my father), who had refused to use the cartridges. The men were stripped of their uniforms, fastened with leg irons, and marched off to ten years imprisonment.
On the following day, May 10th, the three outraged Indian regiments rebelled. “They came wearing white pantaloons and white close-fitting linen jackets and shouting, “Allah-I-Allah maaro Farangi”(with the name of God, kill the foreigner).” They released the imprisoned men and attacked any British officers that tried to stop them. The revolting soldiers had to get more reinforcements and wanted leadership so that they could stand strong against the British army, which was bigger and far better equipped than them. They decided to head for Delhi, where they found the old Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, and decided to make him their leader. Unfortunately, the Great Mughal was very old and weak, and many civilians thought that he was not capable of being an influential leader. The Indian soldiers at Delhi welcomed them with open arms. Nearly 80,000 soldiers from Nimuch, Nasirabad, and Ambala joined the freedom fighters. The British army was driven out of Delhi, and the Indian soldiers got control of the city. Thus, the royal glory of Bahadur Shah Zafar II was restored. The news of the mutiny spread all over India, and Indian soldiers at Luckhnow, Calcutta, Cawnpore, and Gawalior all rebelled against their officers. I heard stories about the great leader, Nana Sahib, leading the soldiers in Calcutta against the British. Also, there were the stories of the amazing lady, Raani of Jhansi, who led the soldiers at Gawalior to take over their British officers.
The Indian soldiers were very successful in the beginning and in no time almost half of the Indian sub continent was in the control of the local troops. The Indian army captured the important cities of Haryana, Uttar Pardesh, Madhya Pardesh, and Bihar.
The British were totally shocked by the rebellions and did not know what to do, so they called for reinforcements from their homeland. As soon as the British reinforcements arrived, a new savagery was started by the British troops. The British army took their revenge in the most gruesome manner. They not only fought against the soldiers but also started killing innocent people. The inhabitants of Delhi were massacred indiscriminately to avenge the killing of the British. Even women and children were treacherously slaughtered. General Neil, the General of the battalion at Calcutta, ordered his men, “Attack and destroy all the villages of Mubgoon and it’s neighborhoods; slaughter all the men; take no prisoners… All sepoys found without papers from regiments that have mutinied and who can not give good accounts of themselves, are to be hanged forth with…I wish to show the natives of India that the punishment inflicted by us for such deeds will be the heaviest, the most revolting to their feelings, and what they must ever remember” (give citation). The mutineers were hanged or blown from guns, and no one ever received a trial. The bodies of the freedom fighters lay all over the country, and the air was filled with the scent of Indian blood. Many villages were totally destroyed, and huts were blackened with fire. You could hear the cries of women and children, because of dead family members or pleading for mercy from the British soldiers. The British soldiers were also successful in executing some great Indian leaders like Raani of Jhansi and Nana Sahib. These martyrs were killed while fighting in the battlefield.
Amidst the tragic events that were happening all over the country, it became increasingly obvious that it was just a matter of time before they got to my father. I remember us leaving the house that we had in central Meerut, and fleeing through the dark alleys of the war stricken city. One fateful night when we were sleeping on a dusty street, we were woken up by harsh voices speaking in English. We were horrified to see British soldiers. They dragged all three of us to a nearby massacre ground. Here, my father was separated from my mother and I, and he was put at the end of the line with other sepoys who were awaiting their death. The line seemed endless but slowly as the first streaks of dawn spread over the sky, the line suddenly seemed dead short. As my father was pushed onto the guillotine, my mother howled and turned my face the other way. The next scene that I can recall is of my father’s headless body lurching forward onto the ground.
The British reached the height of brutality while dealing with the heirs of the royal family. Captain Hudson, a ruthless British commander, captured the Mughal Emperor and subjected him to the most inhumane torture and humiliation. The emperor’s sons Mirza Mughal, Mirza Sultan, and Mirza Abu Bakar were slaughtered. Their bodies were beheaded and their heads were presented to the aging emperor in the prison.
So to speak, the war of 1857 was an eye opener for all Indians. The war finally ended in 1858. It was the fiercest, bloodiest war ever fought on Indian soil. The British like to call it just a mutiny, but it was far more than a mutiny, it was a war, the war of Independence.
Mind that the sample papers like war of independance presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Topic Discuss what Pakistan’s gaining it’s independence form the British in 147 would be like.
It was the year 1857. I was about 15 years old when the war took place, the war of independence. The sights and sounds of the war are still fresh in my mind. It was the first step towards the freedom of Pakistan. It was a war that taught me a lot of things, especially the importance of fighting for a separate country for Muslims. My father was a martyr of this war, and today I am glad to know that his efforts to oust the British from his motherland did not go fruitless.
My father, Ghulam Muhammad Khan, was a soldier in the rd light Cavalry in Meerut, India, which is where the mutiny started. One day ‘baba’ came back from work, and I overheard him talk in high tones with my mom in the other room. Since I was always curious, I decided to eavesdrop on their conversation. He was telling my mother about the new rifles that the British were supplying to his cavalry. Rumor had it that the cartridges had pig and cow fat rubbed onto them. Cows were holy to his Hindu friends, and pigs are forbidden animals for the Muslims. He went on about how the British were using these animal products only to tease and torment the people of India. Even without experience of the hardships and rigors of being a soldier, it was not hidden from even me that the British had many a time tried to taunt the Indians’ ego; however, their attitude was increasingly menacing towards the Muslims. They looked at Muslims as a threat to their rule, because the Muslims had ruled over India for more than a century. Thus, it could be just a matter of time before they turn the tables once again. The rumors about the tampering of cartridges were later confirmed by reliable sources. Other soldiers in my dad’s cavalry seemed agitated enough to rebel.
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The sepoys (name given to Indian soldiers) of the rd light cavalry alongside the 11th and 0th native infantry, refused to use the cartridges. Whenever they would be given the order to ‘load’ their rifles, they would ignore the command. Therefore, the British would remove one unit after the other from the Bengal Army. Consequently, the soldiers had to return home without pay, without pension, and without even a bit of pride that they had once felt in their uniforms. This disgrace left the Indian soldiers with a lot of hatred for the British officers, who they once respected. My dad and the soldiers in his cavalry decided to decline the use of the cartridges as well. The refusals bothered the British so much that they resorted to inhumane acts. On Saturday, the th of May 1857, the entire Indian infantry was paraded naked before the divisional commander, Major-General William H. Hewitt, known as ‘Bloody Bill’. This mortifying act was done to humiliate the eighty-five soldiers of the rd Cavalry (including my father), who had refused to use the cartridges. The men were stripped of their uniforms, fastened with leg irons, and marched off to ten years imprisonment.
On the following day, May 10th, the three outraged Indian regiments rebelled. “They came wearing white pantaloons and white close-fitting linen jackets and shouting, “Allah-I-Allah maaro Farangi”(with the name of God, kill the foreigner).” They released the imprisoned men and attacked any British officers that tried to stop them. The revolting soldiers had to get more reinforcements and wanted leadership so that they could stand strong against the British army, which was bigger and far better equipped than them. They decided to head for Delhi, where they found the old Mughal Emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, and decided to make him their leader. Unfortunately, the Great Mughal was very old and weak, and many civilians thought that he was not capable of being an influential leader. The Indian soldiers at Delhi welcomed them with open arms. Nearly 80,000 soldiers from Nimuch, Nasirabad, and Ambala joined the freedom fighters. The British army was driven out of Delhi, and the Indian soldiers got control of the city. Thus, the royal glory of Bahadur Shah Zafar II was restored. The news of the mutiny spread all over India, and Indian soldiers at Luckhnow, Calcutta, Cawnpore, and Gawalior all rebelled against their officers. I heard stories about the great leader, Nana Sahib, leading the soldiers in Calcutta against the British. Also, there were the stories of the amazing lady, Raani of Jhansi, who led the soldiers at Gawalior to take over their British officers.
The Indian soldiers were very successful in the beginning and in no time almost half of the Indian sub continent was in the control of the local troops. The Indian army captured the important cities of Haryana, Uttar Pardesh, Madhya Pardesh, and Bihar.
The British were totally shocked by the rebellions and did not know what to do, so they called for reinforcements from their homeland. As soon as the British reinforcements arrived, a new savagery was started by the British troops. The British army took their revenge in the most gruesome manner. They not only fought against the soldiers but also started killing innocent people. The inhabitants of Delhi were massacred indiscriminately to avenge the killing of the British. Even women and children were treacherously slaughtered. General Neil, the General of the battalion at Calcutta, ordered his men, “Attack and destroy all the villages of Mubgoon and it’s neighborhoods; slaughter all the men; take no prisoners… All sepoys found without papers from regiments that have mutinied and who can not give good accounts of themselves, are to be hanged forth with…I wish to show the natives of India that the punishment inflicted by us for such deeds will be the heaviest, the most revolting to their feelings, and what they must ever remember” (give citation). The mutineers were hanged or blown from guns, and no one ever received a trial. The bodies of the freedom fighters lay all over the country, and the air was filled with the scent of Indian blood. Many villages were totally destroyed, and huts were blackened with fire. You could hear the cries of women and children, because of dead family members or pleading for mercy from the British soldiers. The British soldiers were also successful in executing some great Indian leaders like Raani of Jhansi and Nana Sahib. These martyrs were killed while fighting in the battlefield.
Amidst the tragic events that were happening all over the country, it became increasingly obvious that it was just a matter of time before they got to my father. I remember us leaving the house that we had in central Meerut, and fleeing through the dark alleys of the war stricken city. One fateful night when we were sleeping on a dusty street, we were woken up by harsh voices speaking in English. We were horrified to see British soldiers. They dragged all three of us to a nearby massacre ground. Here, my father was separated from my mother and I, and he was put at the end of the line with other sepoys who were awaiting their death. The line seemed endless but slowly as the first streaks of dawn spread over the sky, the line suddenly seemed dead short. As my father was pushed onto the guillotine, my mother howled and turned my face the other way. The next scene that I can recall is of my father’s headless body lurching forward onto the ground.
The British reached the height of brutality while dealing with the heirs of the royal family. Captain Hudson, a ruthless British commander, captured the Mughal Emperor and subjected him to the most inhumane torture and humiliation. The emperor’s sons Mirza Mughal, Mirza Sultan, and Mirza Abu Bakar were slaughtered. Their bodies were beheaded and their heads were presented to the aging emperor in the prison.
So to speak, the war of 1857 was an eye opener for all Indians. The war finally ended in 1858. It was the fiercest, bloodiest war ever fought on Indian soil. The British like to call it just a mutiny, but it was far more than a mutiny, it was a war, the war of Independence.
Mind that the sample papers like war of independance presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Science is a boon
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Science is a boon even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Science is a boon in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Science is like a diamond which surpasses all the myths in the world. It is because of the science that we are what we are today. Imagine the days when the nomadic people hunt for the living. They were only for survival. Now is the
world full of science and technology. It is definately a boon to the mankind. Today man can land on the moon which was a distant dream of the past. The space craft used is like the space vehicle used in the mytholoigal story of Ramayana where in the Ravana takes sita away to his kingdom.
The growth of the human being has increased and the death rate has been decreased because of the medical technology. You can prevent a disease, cure a disease even predict that a disease will hit you. All this is possible only with the help of science. Definately it is a boon.The worl today where we are living is changing so fast in all dimensions because of the science.travelling has become so much easy from one place to other. Aeroplanes have made this happen. We can travel from one place to other in a few hours.Today we can send mails to anywhere in the world in a few seconds.
At the same time we must use this knowledge of science for good purposes. In the field of agriculture we can plough the fields in no time. Newly developed hig yield crops have been made which gives good yield.We can prevent the crops from getting damaged because of the insects. With the increased production of the crops the poverty and hunger can be reduced.The world of entertainment has come which reduces the tention and stress at work.
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Mind that the sample papers like Science is a boon presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Science is like a diamond which surpasses all the myths in the world. It is because of the science that we are what we are today. Imagine the days when the nomadic people hunt for the living. They were only for survival. Now is the
world full of science and technology. It is definately a boon to the mankind. Today man can land on the moon which was a distant dream of the past. The space craft used is like the space vehicle used in the mytholoigal story of Ramayana where in the Ravana takes sita away to his kingdom.
The growth of the human being has increased and the death rate has been decreased because of the medical technology. You can prevent a disease, cure a disease even predict that a disease will hit you. All this is possible only with the help of science. Definately it is a boon.The worl today where we are living is changing so fast in all dimensions because of the science.travelling has become so much easy from one place to other. Aeroplanes have made this happen. We can travel from one place to other in a few hours.Today we can send mails to anywhere in the world in a few seconds.
At the same time we must use this knowledge of science for good purposes. In the field of agriculture we can plough the fields in no time. Newly developed hig yield crops have been made which gives good yield.We can prevent the crops from getting damaged because of the insects. With the increased production of the crops the poverty and hunger can be reduced.The world of entertainment has come which reduces the tention and stress at work.
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Mind that the sample papers like Science is a boon presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like Euthanaisa even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like Euthanaisa in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Euthanasia is the deliberate termination of a person, with compassionate intentions. Euthanasia can be performed either by an action, for example a lethal injection, or by not performing measures needed to prolong life. Euthanasia is proposed for patients with a terminal illness and who are suffering from life, although there are groups who feel it should be available to more people.
There are basically two different types of Euthanasia, active euthanasia, where the person asks upon their own death, and passive, where the person cannot ask for their death due to physical or mental restrictions, such as being in a coma.
Euthanasia is a very personal issue due the wide range of beliefs and values
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associated with it. There are many valid reasons for both sides of the argument.
Reasons against Euthanasia include
• Alternative treatment, there are very few illnesses these days
where pain is necessary, people can die a painless death without euthanasia.
• Patients who are terminally ill and in suffering are rarely in the best state of mind to decide whether or it is best for them if they die.
• Many people believe the last months of a persons life are time for them to reflect on their life, make amends for all their wrong doings and to prepare for their death, this is seen as the final step in ones life and shortening life would prevent this step.
• Euthanasia draws attention away from the curing of such terminal diseases, and more research would be put into finding better ways of killing etc.
• If Euthanasia is legalised in certain areas of the world, as it is now, many people would travel to these areas to die, greatly affecting the community of that area.
• Although rare, doctors can make inaccurate diagnoses and if Euthanasia was legalised worldwide there would be thousands of unnecessary deaths.
Reasons for Euthanasia include
• Liberty and Freedom, people should be able to choose if their life is worth living anymore.
• Prevention of suffering and the dignity of the individual, people with terminal illnesses are suffering with no end in sight, they often have to be dependant on the people around them to do simple things, making them feel like they have lost their dignity.
• Equality, we have the right of equality however someone who is healthy and young can end their life by committing suicide, yet someone who is terminally ill does not have that option. Euthanasia gives equality.
The Catholic Church has a very specific teaching on the issue of Euthanasia.
Very basically, the teaching is that killing of any kind is wrong. The Catholic Church is the single largest opposing party to Euthanasia and it spends more money fighting Euthanasia than all the Pro-Euthanasia parties combined. John Paul II has said “No authority can justify Euthanasia.”
The Catholic Church believes that we, as humans, do not have a right to die, but a right to care and a right to live, which no-one is ever allowed to take away. They believe that not all suffering is meaningless and that it provides a chance to grow.
Against the argument that some lives just aren’t worth the suffering and simply too much trouble, the Catholic Church believes that a persons life value is infinite, there is nothing more valuable than life itself.
Human Life international (www.hli.org) is a group who’s aim is to promote.
Its beliefs are very close to those of the Catholic Church. HLI operates by spreading the word of how life is sacred. They have a regular report on Euthanasia and other pro-life issues such as abortion.
The Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization (www.finalexit.org) is a non-profit organization to help people who are terminally ill and suffering find quality information on ending their life. ERGO believes that euthanasia is an appropriate way to end ones life, depending on medical circumstances.
The organization develops guidelines for patients and physicians to prepare them for the big decisions being made. They supply information to other pro-euthanasia groups, media and students who wish to learn more about the issue.
Mind that the sample papers like Euthanaisa presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Euthanasia is the deliberate termination of a person, with compassionate intentions. Euthanasia can be performed either by an action, for example a lethal injection, or by not performing measures needed to prolong life. Euthanasia is proposed for patients with a terminal illness and who are suffering from life, although there are groups who feel it should be available to more people.
There are basically two different types of Euthanasia, active euthanasia, where the person asks upon their own death, and passive, where the person cannot ask for their death due to physical or mental restrictions, such as being in a coma.
Euthanasia is a very personal issue due the wide range of beliefs and values
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associated with it. There are many valid reasons for both sides of the argument.
Reasons against Euthanasia include
• Alternative treatment, there are very few illnesses these days
where pain is necessary, people can die a painless death without euthanasia.
• Patients who are terminally ill and in suffering are rarely in the best state of mind to decide whether or it is best for them if they die.
• Many people believe the last months of a persons life are time for them to reflect on their life, make amends for all their wrong doings and to prepare for their death, this is seen as the final step in ones life and shortening life would prevent this step.
• Euthanasia draws attention away from the curing of such terminal diseases, and more research would be put into finding better ways of killing etc.
• If Euthanasia is legalised in certain areas of the world, as it is now, many people would travel to these areas to die, greatly affecting the community of that area.
• Although rare, doctors can make inaccurate diagnoses and if Euthanasia was legalised worldwide there would be thousands of unnecessary deaths.
Reasons for Euthanasia include
• Liberty and Freedom, people should be able to choose if their life is worth living anymore.
• Prevention of suffering and the dignity of the individual, people with terminal illnesses are suffering with no end in sight, they often have to be dependant on the people around them to do simple things, making them feel like they have lost their dignity.
• Equality, we have the right of equality however someone who is healthy and young can end their life by committing suicide, yet someone who is terminally ill does not have that option. Euthanasia gives equality.
The Catholic Church has a very specific teaching on the issue of Euthanasia.
Very basically, the teaching is that killing of any kind is wrong. The Catholic Church is the single largest opposing party to Euthanasia and it spends more money fighting Euthanasia than all the Pro-Euthanasia parties combined. John Paul II has said “No authority can justify Euthanasia.”
The Catholic Church believes that we, as humans, do not have a right to die, but a right to care and a right to live, which no-one is ever allowed to take away. They believe that not all suffering is meaningless and that it provides a chance to grow.
Against the argument that some lives just aren’t worth the suffering and simply too much trouble, the Catholic Church believes that a persons life value is infinite, there is nothing more valuable than life itself.
Human Life international (www.hli.org) is a group who’s aim is to promote.
Its beliefs are very close to those of the Catholic Church. HLI operates by spreading the word of how life is sacred. They have a regular report on Euthanasia and other pro-life issues such as abortion.
The Euthanasia Research and Guidance Organization (www.finalexit.org) is a non-profit organization to help people who are terminally ill and suffering find quality information on ending their life. ERGO believes that euthanasia is an appropriate way to end ones life, depending on medical circumstances.
The organization develops guidelines for patients and physicians to prepare them for the big decisions being made. They supply information to other pro-euthanasia groups, media and students who wish to learn more about the issue.
Mind that the sample papers like Euthanaisa presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
a worth living
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like a worth living even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like a worth living in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
A Life unexamined is not worth Living
In Plato’s Apology, Socrates states that “the unexamined life is not worth living;” This claim signifies the idea that to just go about one’s life without questioning and thinking is not the life of a human but that of an animal with no greater meaning and therefore, is not worth living . The ability to think and reason separates humans from merely being animals. Basically, everyone examines their lives to a degree, but different circumstances of perceptions of reality affect whether or not people will follow their examination of life. Without searching the meaning of reality, truth, values, and the significance of human history, the mind go back to a meaningless original aspiration only to satisfy its pre-planned life. This is why Socrates thinks that an examined life is so important. Socrates states that the only one who is really wise is God, and that human wisdom is worthless. By this he meant that to question and examine one’s life is human, therefore, not doing it is inhuman, and to not be human is not worth living.
Without values, religion, and everything else that can be established by examining life, the world, as we know it would not exist in our view of reality. The human race would no longer be considered human, but instead primitive. There would be no concept of right and wrong, instead there would only be a simple force of survival that would keep the race alive and nothing more. Socrates believed that it is a better man the one who prefers to die rather go against his principles when he argues with Crito about escaping the prison. He also realized that men like him, with this point of view are few.
The ability to think critically, independently, and reflectively allows humans to examine their lives and create a sense of meaning. Both mind and spirit that Socrates shows acting as honestly as he could be and wanting the truth cost him his life. We can see that when he states; “I prefer nothing, unless it is true”. Examining life and seeking the truth was so important to Socrates because by doing so he was, in short, showing his intellectual passions. This was his sense of meaning and to take it away would be to take away his meaning for life.
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Another important thing to Socrates was the soul. For him the soul was what mattered. It didnt matter whether he was rich or poor because he considered that the good life, the beautiful life, and the just life are the same. He felt that he was a gift from God. His need to return was his destiny, which gave purpose to his life ahead of just living for material things. Socrates didn’t have anything against being rich, but he believed that if you are living a good life, you have to to know why you are happy.
In addition, Socrates believed in the city and its laws. He even examines his beliefs regarding his punishment on behalf of Crito and states that “integrity, institutions and laws, are the most precious possessions of mankind,” which is what Socrates is really dying for. Socrates would rather be a martyr rather than a criminal and betray his own conscience. He still feels that his life is worth living until the moment that he dies because he has led a virtuous life, but he must die in order to remain virtuous.
Socrates believed strongly that the examined life was important. He considered the choice of living an examined life vs. an unexamined life as a moral choice between right and wrong. His passion for his belief is shown when he states that “You are wrong sir, if you think that a man who is any good at all should take into account the risk of life or death; he should look to this only in his actions, whether what he does is right or wrong, whether he is acting like a good or a bad man”.
I believed that each person must take responsibility for their actions and their life by learning no make the right decisions. What each person consider being the right choice is up to them. By examining owns life we can arrive to a consensus and these can be accepted as our own believes or not.
Mind that the sample papers like a worth living presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
A Life unexamined is not worth Living
In Plato’s Apology, Socrates states that “the unexamined life is not worth living;” This claim signifies the idea that to just go about one’s life without questioning and thinking is not the life of a human but that of an animal with no greater meaning and therefore, is not worth living . The ability to think and reason separates humans from merely being animals. Basically, everyone examines their lives to a degree, but different circumstances of perceptions of reality affect whether or not people will follow their examination of life. Without searching the meaning of reality, truth, values, and the significance of human history, the mind go back to a meaningless original aspiration only to satisfy its pre-planned life. This is why Socrates thinks that an examined life is so important. Socrates states that the only one who is really wise is God, and that human wisdom is worthless. By this he meant that to question and examine one’s life is human, therefore, not doing it is inhuman, and to not be human is not worth living.
Without values, religion, and everything else that can be established by examining life, the world, as we know it would not exist in our view of reality. The human race would no longer be considered human, but instead primitive. There would be no concept of right and wrong, instead there would only be a simple force of survival that would keep the race alive and nothing more. Socrates believed that it is a better man the one who prefers to die rather go against his principles when he argues with Crito about escaping the prison. He also realized that men like him, with this point of view are few.
The ability to think critically, independently, and reflectively allows humans to examine their lives and create a sense of meaning. Both mind and spirit that Socrates shows acting as honestly as he could be and wanting the truth cost him his life. We can see that when he states; “I prefer nothing, unless it is true”. Examining life and seeking the truth was so important to Socrates because by doing so he was, in short, showing his intellectual passions. This was his sense of meaning and to take it away would be to take away his meaning for life.
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Another important thing to Socrates was the soul. For him the soul was what mattered. It didnt matter whether he was rich or poor because he considered that the good life, the beautiful life, and the just life are the same. He felt that he was a gift from God. His need to return was his destiny, which gave purpose to his life ahead of just living for material things. Socrates didn’t have anything against being rich, but he believed that if you are living a good life, you have to to know why you are happy.
In addition, Socrates believed in the city and its laws. He even examines his beliefs regarding his punishment on behalf of Crito and states that “integrity, institutions and laws, are the most precious possessions of mankind,” which is what Socrates is really dying for. Socrates would rather be a martyr rather than a criminal and betray his own conscience. He still feels that his life is worth living until the moment that he dies because he has led a virtuous life, but he must die in order to remain virtuous.
Socrates believed strongly that the examined life was important. He considered the choice of living an examined life vs. an unexamined life as a moral choice between right and wrong. His passion for his belief is shown when he states that “You are wrong sir, if you think that a man who is any good at all should take into account the risk of life or death; he should look to this only in his actions, whether what he does is right or wrong, whether he is acting like a good or a bad man”.
I believed that each person must take responsibility for their actions and their life by learning no make the right decisions. What each person consider being the right choice is up to them. By examining owns life we can arrive to a consensus and these can be accepted as our own believes or not.
Mind that the sample papers like a worth living presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
whether we should have sex education in high school?
We are ready to represent the best custom paper writing assistance that can cope with any task like whether we should have sex education in high school? even at the eleventh hour. The matter is that we posses the greatest base of expert writers. Our staff of freelance writers includes approximately 300 experienced writers are at your disposal all year round. They are striving to provide the best ever services to the most desperate students that have already lost the hope for academic success. We offer the range of the most widely required, however, not recommended for college use papers. It is advisable to use our examples like whether we should have sex education in high school? in learning at public-education level. Get prepared and be smart with our best essay samples cheap and fast! Get in touch and we will write excellent custom coursework or essay especially for you.
Whether we should have sex education in high school?
On the other hand, adolescents benefit greatly from sex education at their school. At school is where the education of many children are being well educated and responsibly. The responsibility is significant in the area of sexuality education. In preventing the spread of adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The instruction on this issue can be very volatile. Some can be very helpful and educational, while others can be nothing more than the introduction of alternative sexual values that have very unhealthy consequences for adolescents.
Not only the sex education in high school focuses in preventing pregnancy or transmitted disease, it also hits some other important areas as well. For example, according to the Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, moral perspective, sexual development, view toward abstinence, consequences of promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, alternative lifestyles, contraception, adoption, character
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and social development, marriage, family, human reproduction, and parenting.1
Sex education is very important to adolescents because based on the teen files, facts show that over half of all teenagers have had sex before they are eighteen. In America, a teenager contracts a sexually transmitted disease every ten seconds and over on million teenage girls become pregnant each year. In this case, teenagers should be aware of that, and not commit to sexual experience during their years in high school.
The sex education also emphasize on the important teen pregnancy and its consequences. First, most teen parent do not make enough money to support their child. When the baby exists, the baby will be in their way. Unfortunately, the loving and caring for the baby will stop them from achieving their goals in school. After that their life will be busy taking care of their child and their future will totally be destroyed. And from that point on what they ought to do is to work and support the family.
Not only the financial need is important, but also the newborn health will be endangered. It is very dangerous for teenager to give birth at young age. According to doctors, sometimes some babies are not full-term, they are
not big healthy babies. With that in mind, students in high school should have been aware of teen pregnancy.
In addition, they should have known what is the best type of protection for sex. In brief, condoms are not 100% safe from unwanted pregnancy or protection from STDs. The best protection is to take the birth control pills to prevent unwanted pregnant and LATEX for STDs protection.
If students know all about teen pregnancy, they should have some background knowledge about the STDs. We should be familiar with the term STDs and they are infections that can be spread by having sex with another person who is infected. Most of STDs are curable, but some are not. If a person has sex with someone who has an STD, that person can get it too. Many people who have an STD do not know it. They may look healthy, but they still could have an STD.
According to the American Social Health Association, both males and females take risks, but males tend to take more risks than females. In the U.S. over 850,000 adults and children are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. One in three of those infected with HIV do not know they are infected. The main ways HIV is passed are by men having sex with men, including bisexual men, injection drug users,
and men having sex with women. Overall, AIDS is now the fifth leading cause of death for people 5-44 years of age.
Therefore, we should have sex education in high school. Parents and high school should the responsible to acknowledge adolescents these important concepts. Such course is being introduced to teenagers is not to make them tolerable of sex; however, to prevent them from engaging in those poor diseases.
As nature as it is, some will be aware and hold off on sex until the right age. On the other hand, others tend to ignore whatever they have learned and became sexual active. Hopefully they know what to do for protection when they are at that stage. Those that have sex education once in their lifetime have more knowledge of the consequences than those that are vulnerable.
Sex education is important because if a person carry a disease in which he/she does not know, then it will becomes a group disease. As has been mentioned, disease like STDs transfer from one to another by having sex. Therefore, it is very important that adolescents understand the important of sex education and as a whole, help to reduce the teenage STDs rate.
Mind that the sample papers like whether we should have sex education in high school? presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
Whether we should have sex education in high school?
On the other hand, adolescents benefit greatly from sex education at their school. At school is where the education of many children are being well educated and responsibly. The responsibility is significant in the area of sexuality education. In preventing the spread of adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The instruction on this issue can be very volatile. Some can be very helpful and educational, while others can be nothing more than the introduction of alternative sexual values that have very unhealthy consequences for adolescents.
Not only the sex education in high school focuses in preventing pregnancy or transmitted disease, it also hits some other important areas as well. For example, according to the Kaiser Daily Reproductive Health Report, moral perspective, sexual development, view toward abstinence, consequences of promiscuity, sexually transmitted diseases, alternative lifestyles, contraception, adoption, character
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and social development, marriage, family, human reproduction, and parenting.1
Sex education is very important to adolescents because based on the teen files, facts show that over half of all teenagers have had sex before they are eighteen. In America, a teenager contracts a sexually transmitted disease every ten seconds and over on million teenage girls become pregnant each year. In this case, teenagers should be aware of that, and not commit to sexual experience during their years in high school.
The sex education also emphasize on the important teen pregnancy and its consequences. First, most teen parent do not make enough money to support their child. When the baby exists, the baby will be in their way. Unfortunately, the loving and caring for the baby will stop them from achieving their goals in school. After that their life will be busy taking care of their child and their future will totally be destroyed. And from that point on what they ought to do is to work and support the family.
Not only the financial need is important, but also the newborn health will be endangered. It is very dangerous for teenager to give birth at young age. According to doctors, sometimes some babies are not full-term, they are
not big healthy babies. With that in mind, students in high school should have been aware of teen pregnancy.
In addition, they should have known what is the best type of protection for sex. In brief, condoms are not 100% safe from unwanted pregnancy or protection from STDs. The best protection is to take the birth control pills to prevent unwanted pregnant and LATEX for STDs protection.
If students know all about teen pregnancy, they should have some background knowledge about the STDs. We should be familiar with the term STDs and they are infections that can be spread by having sex with another person who is infected. Most of STDs are curable, but some are not. If a person has sex with someone who has an STD, that person can get it too. Many people who have an STD do not know it. They may look healthy, but they still could have an STD.
According to the American Social Health Association, both males and females take risks, but males tend to take more risks than females. In the U.S. over 850,000 adults and children are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. One in three of those infected with HIV do not know they are infected. The main ways HIV is passed are by men having sex with men, including bisexual men, injection drug users,
and men having sex with women. Overall, AIDS is now the fifth leading cause of death for people 5-44 years of age.
Therefore, we should have sex education in high school. Parents and high school should the responsible to acknowledge adolescents these important concepts. Such course is being introduced to teenagers is not to make them tolerable of sex; however, to prevent them from engaging in those poor diseases.
As nature as it is, some will be aware and hold off on sex until the right age. On the other hand, others tend to ignore whatever they have learned and became sexual active. Hopefully they know what to do for protection when they are at that stage. Those that have sex education once in their lifetime have more knowledge of the consequences than those that are vulnerable.
Sex education is important because if a person carry a disease in which he/she does not know, then it will becomes a group disease. As has been mentioned, disease like STDs transfer from one to another by having sex. Therefore, it is very important that adolescents understand the important of sex education and as a whole, help to reduce the teenage STDs rate.
Mind that the sample papers like whether we should have sex education in high school? presented are to be used for review only. In order to warn you and eliminate any plagiarism writing intentions, it is highly recommended not to use the essays in class. In cases you experience difficulties with essay writing in class and for in class use, order original papers with our expert writers. Cheap custom papers can be written from scratch for each customer that entrusts his or her academic success to our writing team. Order your unique assignment from the best custom writing services cheap and fast!
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